stating the obvious

  1. 1,893 Posts.

    Let’s look at things from a people smugglers point of view

    The interview goes something like this

    Q - What’s more important - the client’s life or their $10,000 –
    A - That’s hard, let me think for a second - no I know it’s the $10,000

    Q - How sea worthy does the boat need to be –
    A - They used to be quite good because I could not afford to lose too many else people would be scared of me which is bad for business - but that’s changed now - so long as it can get say 50 miles from Indonesia the Aussies will send a boat to get them once a May Day call is sent - so the answer is not very safe

    Q - But what if they Australian Navy can't get there in time
    A - Good question, that can be bad for business too, but the Australian Government would hold an enquiry and blame some Australian for not spotting the boat earlier and probably put more planes and ships in the area

    Q- Are these people genuine refugees and should people see you as a doer of good –
    A - Don't know if they are refugees or just looking for a better life - don't care really so long as they have the $10,000

    Q - So if a genuine refugee came to you with no money would you help him –
    A - Who do you think I am - the bloody Australian Government

    Q - Do you have any difficulty in finding people to risk their lives –
    A - Are you kidding me - free medical, accommodation, food, legal aid and the best bit they pay you to be there, your country is incredible, some would say you are generous but I think you are just stupid

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