This is a list of the Top Ten aid recipients (2001 I...

  1. 338 Posts.
    This is a list of the Top Ten aid recipients (2001 I think).

    Watch Iraq join the top 10 real soon.

    What worries me about this list is the absence of African nations where the aid is most likely needed the most.

    Top Ten Recipients of U.S. Development Aid

    Country Aid (mil. US$) Pop. (mil.) Aid per capita (US$)

    1. Russia 1,154 145 7.96
    2. Israel 967 6 161.17
    3. Egypt 799 68 11.75
    4. Ukraine 282 50 5.64
    5. Indonesia 194 212 0.92
    6. Jordan 179 5 35.80
    7. Colombia 169 42 4.02
    8. Bosnia 152 4 38.00
    9. India 148 1,000 0.15
    10. Peru 136 26 5.23

    Total 4,180 1558 2.68

    As to the interest on these 'loans', the US first brought up the idea of debt 'forgiving' at the G7 convention in Genoa Italy in July 2001. This debt is never going to be repaid anyways but did the bankers come to the party, I think not. Countries had to meet certain criteria, including human rights. And as I recall didn't the anti-globolisation (feral go get a job you losers) mob, cause a heep of trouble here.

    No matter what anyone wants to claim about the US, I still believe the world is a much better place with them and without the likes of Saddam.

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