stats on artic warm cycles

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Here is a very small sampling of past Arctic ice scares when Arctic was in warm cycle:

    1922: 'Extraordinary warmth in the Arctic during the last few years' -- Polar ice sheet to melt down? -- Scientists astonished by Arctic warming. Northern United States to become “sub-tropical.”
    1923 Shock News: 'Radical' Climate Change Melting Down The North Pole
    1935: Russian Ship Sailed 500 Miles From The North Pole In Ice-Free Water catastrophic proportions and people living in lowlands along their shores would be inundated...temps in Arctic had increased 10 deg. F since 1900–an 'enormous' rise'
    Flashback 1947 : International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown: Same story – different millennium -- 'May 30 1947.-The possibility of a prodigious rise in the surface of ocean with resultant widespread inundation if Antarctic ice regions and the major Greenland icecap should reduce at same rate as present melting in Arctic...'
    Flashback 1947: 'Alarming' Rise In Arctic Temperatures To Melt Greenland And Flood The Coasts Posted on August 18, 2012 -- Ten degrees of warming in Arctic with CO2 at 320 PPM'
    We've heard it all before! 1922 Tipping Point: Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse Will Lead To Biblical Flood
    July 4, 1907: Arctic Heat Record – Hottest Place In Europe

    First, some perspective on Arctic ice: See: Six Thousandths Of One Percent (0.006%) More Of The World's Ice Melted This Summer -- 'At this rate it'll take 166 years to see a 1% reduction. This is like taking a glass of ice from a frozen swimming pool. The number is so small that it is outside the statistical margins of certainty'
    And the reduction was aided by a super storm this year. See: Did 'The Great Arctic Cyclone of 2012' reduce sea ice?: 'Neither Borenstein nor NSIDC's current announcement mentions the massive Arctic storm that broke up huge amounts of sea ice, making this new record low possible...' & See: Reduced sea ice extent due to storm? The ice loss was mainly in the Chukchi Sea, where the storm was. The storm brought warm water to the surface
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