Stay Out Of The Middle East, page-20

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    Not sure how i can make my position much clearer but i'll try. I'm anti-MSM and anti-Deep State (cabal as you now refer). They just happen to be hysterically anti-Trump. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. My non changing constant anti-MSM anti-cabal sentiment happens to put me on the same page as their enemy Mr. Trump. I couldn't care less if its Trump or if it was Bernie or if its Batman. If the Deep State are against them then they aren't part of the Deep State. The only time he gets positive press is when he does their bidding. Fire missiles at Syria. Up the war rhetoric on North Korea. Become besties with the Saudis all produced his most positive press in MSM.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This is literally a perfect example of that.
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