Good post Grant. Here's my little contribution to the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Good post Grant. Here's my little contribution to the discussion..

    Treasury Secretary Snow Laughs Off Dollar's Drop

    By Mark Gilbert
    Bloomberg News Service
    Wednesday, November 17, 2004

    "The history of efforts to impose non-market valuations
    on currencies is at best unrewarding and checkered"
    was U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow's response
    today to a question about whether the U.S. might join
    with other countries in a bid to arrest the dollar's

    The currency market quickly parsed Snow's comment,
    made in London at a briefing on global economies,
    and came up with its own translation: "Sell the

    Down it went, dropping to a record $1.3048 against the
    euro and slumping to 104.29 against the yen. When
    Bloomberg reporter Edie Lush told him his comments
    were driving the dollar lower and his alleged "strong
    dollar" policy wasn't working, Snow chuckled. "The
    policy is the policy," he said.

    Snow, looking scarily like Jack Nicholson in his role
    as the Joker in the "Batman" movie, is laughing all
    the way to narrower deficits. His lips said, "No one
    ever devalued their way to prosperity." But his eyes
    seemed to be saying, "There's no way I'm bailing out
    a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys who
    can't even lick their trade unions into shape."

    The U.S. currency continues to disregard every piece
    of good news that would typically drive it higher. It
    ignored yesterday's figures showing U.S. producer
    prices jumped 1.7 percent last month, their biggest
    surge in 14 years. It ignored U.S. Treasury figures
    showing international investors bought a net $63.4
    billion of U.S. assets in September, the most since

    And it ignored the latest comment from the Federal
    Reserve flagging its intention to keep pushing the
    benchmark U.S. interest rate higher. "There is
    certainly more ground to cover," Chicago Fed
    President Michael Moskow told his local chamber
    of commerce yesterday.

    In contrast, there's little prospect of an interest
    rate increase from the European Central Bank in coming
    months, with growth slumping to 0.3 percent in the
    third quarter for the 12 nations that use the euro.
    The Fed has doubled its overnight target rate to 2
    percent this year, so the benchmark rates in the
    United States and Europe are level for now. Even
    with the prospect of a widening gap that should
    promise higher returns on dollar deposits, the U.S.
    currency isn't rallying.

    That's because currency traders are growing more
    convinced that the Fed is as happy as the U.S.
    government to watch the dollar drop. "The issue for
    the Fed is getting the Fed funds rate back up so
    they can cut it again in future if they need to," says
    Steve Major, global head of fixed-income strategy at
    HSBC Holdings Plc in London. "A weaker dollar
    allows them to do that."

    Asked by Heidi Crebo-Rediker of Bear Stearns Cos.
    how he expected overseas holders of U.S. Treasuries
    to react to the losses the dollar will inflict on their
    investments, Snow segued into a long joke, the
    punch line of which was "no comment." That's not
    funny when international investors own $1.9 trillion
    of the $3.8 trillion of marketable U.S. Treasury

    So far the U.S. government has been able to feed
    its $55 billion-per-month addiction to the foreign
    capital needed to fund the current-account deficit
    by relying on overseas purchases of its bonds.
    Yesterday's figures showed international investors
    bought $19.2 billion of government debt in
    September, up from $14.6 billion in the previous

    The figures also showed that Japan dumped Treasuries
    for the first month since October 2002, with net sales
    of $1.5 billion.

    Maybe Japanese investors have been listening to the
    chorus of Fed officials warning that U.S. economic
    policies threaten the health of the Treasury market.
    Yesterday it was the turn of Philadelphia Fed
    President Anthony Santomero to caution that "the
    issue of how a cyclically balanced budget will be
    restored introduces another element of uncertainty
    in the outlook."

    Tim Bond, the global head of rates strategy at
    Barclays Capital in London, says it's "an odd time"
    for the Fed to embrace a weaker dollar as a means
    of slimming the current-account deficit, given
    worries about the government's enthusiasm for
    more tax cuts.

    "A suspicion lurks that the renewed emphasis on
    the current account position betrays an attempt to
    remove the source of temptation -- ultra-cheap
    foreign financing -- before the politicians manage
    to enact some truly disastrous policies," Bond
    wrote in a research note yesterday.

    With every grin, every shrug of the shoulders, every
    elusive response to perfectly straightforward questions,
    Snow told Europe and Japan that a weaker dollar is
    just fine by him. Strong growth, he said, is what will
    narrow the U.S. trade gap from last year's record
    $496.5 billion, and the current account deficit from
    the $166.2 billion reached in the second quarter.

    What he meant was: The United States is happily
    devaluing its way to an improved deficit position.

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