stem cells, page-2

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    The opposition is to using fetal stem cells usually derived from aborted fetuses, not to stem cells derived from your own body...

    Most of the succesful applications of stem cells have been from stem cells harvested from your own body, usually your bone marrow, cultured externally and injected into the site where the recovery is needed...

    There is however a portion of the community who want to use fetal stem cells, usually derived from aborted fetuses as the source for these stem cells...

    I am not fully up on any latest developments, but I recall that the experiments that had been tried with fetal stem cells had been failures, in some cases disasterous failures with one child developing monstrous and multiple brain tumors after being injected with fetal stem cells...
    This was the case a few years ago...

    As I recall the fetal stem cell restriction was to confine the research to already harvested lines of fetal stem cells and not reinforce the abortion industry in the US by establishing a profitable medical industry that depends on a mass of continuing abortions to supply a demand for fetal stem cells...

    There are quite a number of succesful application of your own stem cells but since most would be classed as experimental, I doubt that any insurance would cover them...

    In particular I have heard of succesful heart recovery where stem cells harvested from the person's heart are injected back into damaged heart muscle and the heart muscle has regrown...
    Also for damage to knees, stem cells harvested from the person are reinjected back into the knees and the cartilege of the knee has regrown...

    There are probably many other applications that have been tried and worked but all seem to be with your own cells harvested from your bone-marrow and reinjected back into a damaged site...

    As far as I know there is no restriction on using your own stem cells, or even on research into it, just of course that the techniques are new and experimental and not many doctors will be competent to try them...

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