there is a phenomenon going on here in this crap new age pretend...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    there is a phenomenon going on here in this crap new age pretend world....

    firstly the internet age produced the fake information...

    rubbish and corrupted information was magnified and spread like a virus, as fact, and had zillions of fans, all repeating the same crap, who then believed this fake and flawed stuff
    why did this happen...?

    the education system was dumbed down in the early 80's, so now we are seeing the results, in the mature age 30-40 year olds, who still see themselves as part kids, and living at home, still dependent on their parents for support..

    or part adults, who are short circuiting everything, making fast money, playing the games, everything is on a short fuse, life is a gamble, one minute they are on top of the world, and kings, the next minute it is all crash and burn..
    again the mud has hit the fan.....

    it has been a very successful program, so far, has it not

    then they voted in the smooth talker, the first black president, who cannot address an audience without a prompting tell him what to say....

    again the mud hit the fan....shit happens

    back in Oz, around the same time, they also voted in a smooth talker, another snake oil salesman...who pretended he was one of them, the cool education or experience was necessary, he would look after them, just like their mum did....he also pretended he was a fiscal everything would remain rosy...

    lack of education was promoted as a too could become the PM....or the kings of his new age world

    rather than asset booms and busts metholodgy, since the early 80's, the truth lies more closely tied to the political scene, and changes thereon....

    which political party is in power, has more influence over the economy of each country, and the direction it will take
    for the future
    since 2007, you have witnessed, the radical changes in both the US and AUS political scene, together with the new age in the Lehmann Bros, and all the other crooks

    hence the current financial turmoil, you are witnessing....and experiencing
    only a change back to fiscal conservatives will save the situation....
    if obama wins in the US...god help you...because it will only reverberate around the world...there will only be more pain in store

    education or is your choice....only you will pay the price
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