If Gillian Triggs' high regard for Malcolm Turnbull and his for...

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    If Gillian Triggs' high regard for Malcolm Turnbull and his for her are any indications, the Liberal Party is in dire need of a voice that values principal more than photo ops. As Tony Abbott no longer has anything left to lose, he is well placed to make that his new job description

    We hear a lot from commentators about Tony Abbott’s allegedly reprehensible inclination to “defend his legacy”, with the punditry dismissing his post-ouster interviews and comments as the bitter fruit of mere vanity and self-indulgence.  But Abbott’s defence of his record and legacy is much more than that of a spurned leader seeking credit and justification: it is about ensuring that those achievements endure. This is vital and important work, as recent remarks by Gillian Triggs, president of the Human Rights Commission, suggest. With Abbott gone, she has crowed, Malcolm Turnbull has welcomed her back to the ‘corridors of power’.

    Can anyone imagine an action more likely to further inflame the conservatives of Turnbull’s own party?  Can anyone imagine an endorsement more likely to be seen as a slap in the face of Tony Abbott? Viewed pragmatically, there is absolutely no political upside to this detente. Triggs long ago nailed her colours to the mast with blatantly pro-Labor/Greens politicking.  Her public position on illegal immigrants puts her completely at odds with the government on one of its signature and most successful policies, regaining control of our borders.

    Conservatives need Abbott to remain in Parliament. If Turnbull’s hubris is so evident at this early stage, what might it further implement in the months, perhaps years, to come? That is why Abbott, who says he has not yet made up his mind about going or staying, must be urged to remain in the Parliament. There is no better or more cogent voice to exert, perhaps, a moderating influence on Turnbull’s ego and frolics. Beloved in his electorate and secure on the backbench, he has nothing left to lose by speaking up on behalf of what he and many, many supporters see as the party’s core, its conservative conscience.
    And who knows what the future holds? A few more prime ministerial private meetings and words of praise for Gillian Triggs, and the Liberal party might even decide he is worthy of a second turn in The Lodge.

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