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This is one of my old favorite acticles of AS's "chequered...

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    This is one of my old favorite acticles of AS's "chequered past".

    Shooting up on hype

    January 17, 2004

    The chief executive has a chequered past. The biggest shareholder is elusive. Ben Hills investigates a company that claims it has found the Holy Grail.

    Alan Shortall plunges a hypodermic into an orange and injects it with one millilitre of water. He then carefully extracts it and releases the plunger, to demonstrate how the needle automatically retracts into the transparent barrel of the syringe and flips to one side so it can't be reused.

    "This is the Holy Grail of syringe technology," he recites for the thousandth time, "Of course, it's different when you are injecting a person, but you can see that it works. This is not a rort, this is not a scam, we are building a legitimate business."

    Based on this 10c worth of plastic and metal, Shortall and his co-directors have built one of the hottest companies in the biotech sector, Unitract. Since listing more than a year ago the group's share price has rocketed 1000 per cent - giving it a capitalisation of around $200 million and putting it in the top 300 Australian companies. Its meteoric rise has prompted several queries from the Australian Stock Exchange.

    By the end of March, he promises, 65 million of the retractable hypodermics will begin pouring off an imported assembly line in a sterile room at a factory at St Mary's in Sydney's west at the rate of two a second, and Unitract will be on its way to saving millions of lives around the world.

    The hype from Shortall and his team for the past year, at closed-door presentations to investors and brokers and in media interviews, has been unrelenting as they drummed up millions in investment capital. It has raised $24 million, with some lucky investors buying in at 20c a share when the company made its debut on the ASX in November 2002. On Friday it was trading at $2.18.

    Investors have been told that the global market for syringes that Unitract is targeting is worth $7 billion a year, and that the World Health Organisation and national governments are keen to adopt such a "one-use" needle to try and save the 1 million-plus lives lost each year through infections (principally hepatitis and AIDS) by drug users sharing needles and in needle-stick accidents.

    The company has also received generous taxpayer funding - $240,000 from the Federal Government's Biotechnology Innovation Fund and $195,000 from two state government funds.

    But Unitract has been less keen to highlight the hurdles it still faces in Australia, where no fewer than five competitors are developing similar products - let alone in the rest of the world, where it will be up against medical technology goliaths in the US and Japan.

    As well, until now there has been no focus on Shortall - a burly 50-year-old with an Irish brogue and glistening head which he has shaved every morning since taking up martial arts - or on his credentials to run the company. Shortall has been associated with three companies - one of them a listed high-tech company - which are now defunct.

    Nor has the Herald been able to interview an elusive major investor who uses an address in London and who owns a quarter of the stock - worth some $42 million - through a company that is not registered in Australia or the UK.

    Unitract's annual report tells the fairytale story of the invention of the syringe by two Hunter Valley tool and die makers, Craig Thorley and his boss at Argo Engineering in Morpeth, Joe Kaal. Apparently Thorley's "mum broke the news to him one day that her career as a nurse at Maitland Hospital was over after contracting two debilitating diseases from needlestick injuries. Craig decided to try and make sure this never happened to a loved one again".

    Thorley told the Herald that his mother, Jacqueline, contracted multiple sclerosis and "brain stem lupus" at the age of 42. Dr Paul Armstrong, an expert at the NSW Health Department, says these are debilitating conditions but not infectious diseases that can be passed on by needlestick injuries.

    Thorley did confirm, however, that he and Kaal had spent five years developing the prototype syringe - in between making parts for motor-boat gearboxes at Argo Engineering on $500 a week.

    "I have slaved my backside off, and now I am living the dream," Thorley says. "It's all going to happen."

    Savvy stockmarket operators, however, have not been as enthusiastic. In a newsletter last August, Stuart Roberts, the biotech analyst at Southern Cross Equities, in an article Beware the Quest for the Perfect Syringe, pointed out that since 1986 the US Patent Office alone had issued around 200 patents for syringes every year - many for "one-use" needles.

    A Melbourne analyst was also unimpressed by a presentation where Shortall extolled the virtues of Unitract's product compared with rival syringes he brought back from a conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

    "He's unusual-looking, bald as a billiard-ball, a big man who presents well - perhaps too well - with a lot of authority and enthusiasm," the analyst recalls. "He was a bit too much. I just find this space [retractable needles] too difficult, and I have been steering our advisers away from all these companies."

    David Whitelaw, marketing director at Eastland Medical Systems in Perth, one of Unitract's five rivals, says manufacture of his company's syringe, a clip-on device, will begin in Melbourne in three months, and is sceptical about his competitors' products.

    "[The market] is fraught with danger as far as intellectual property rights are concerned. Patents have been applied for and are pending or not granted, or under challenge.

    "You are going to see syringe wars when all these products hit the market - it will be interesting to see who survives."

    Shortall says Unitract has patents in the US and Australia. But the syringe does not yet have approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Canberra, essential before it can be sold. Shortall says such approval can be granted only after manufacture actually begins.

    The TGA says that two "one-use" syringes have already been approved for sale in Australia, both made by overseas companies. A spokesperson says Unitract's product is a "prototype" and has not been approved.

    Then there is the issue of Shortall's business background.

    Thorley says he did not check his partner's past, and that he contacted Shortall for help in commercialising his invention through his involvement in a charity called the Mankind Project (MKP).

    Shortall concedes that this is not a registered charity, but a men's organisation which he supports, "the essence of which is around supporting men in the community, around integrity, accountability, love, compassion and congruence".

    Shortall refuses to go into any more detail, but MKP's US website says it runs "New Warrior weekends" at which, for $US600 ($780), men can become "initiated", discovering "highly focused aggressive energy that empowers and shapes the inner masculine self . . . the New Warrior is at once tough and loving, wild and gentle, fierce and tolerant".

    Unusually for a chief executive these days - when even the office boy seems to have an MBA - Shortall has no tertiary qualification. He is vague about his background, saying he worked in "marketing" in his native Dublin, and migrated to Australia in 1989 where he worked as in Perth as a "consultant" to car dealers selling car alarms and tinted windows.

    Perth was also where, according to Australian Securities and Investments Commission records, he set up one of three defunct companies with which he has been associated, Montash Pty Ltd, of which Shortall and his wife, Linda, were the sole owners and directors. Shortall says this was a "shelf company with insignificant trading". He cannot remember what it did, and it was deregistered because it became redundant, he says.

    His name first appears in West Australian papers two years later, this time in connection with a much more ambitious enterprise - Formulab Neuronetics. This is what Shortall refers to when he boasts in his profile in Unitract's prospectus: "[Shortall] was the driving force in the successful listing of an Australian company on the Nasdaq exchange in the US . . . [he] has an exceptional track record in successfully marketing Australian companies internationally."

    In fact Formulab was the invention of Adelaide-born long-haired eccentric and self-styled genius Anthony Richter. Like Unitract, it was backdoor listed on the ASX in 1995, claiming to have a revolutionary new invention.

    There the comparisons end. Richter's invention was far more complicated than a humble syringe. He claimed his "Richter Paradigm" was a "thinking computer" - one that functioned like the human brain, only 180 times faster. Improbable as that sounds, the early 1990s sharemarket was avid for anything "high tech". Formulab's shares soared from 29c when it reversed into the Giltnet software group to $1.52. At one stage it had a market capitalisation of $400 million, rocketing Richter into the BRW Rich List.

    Richter's big mistake was taking the "brain in a shoebox," as it was dubbed, to the US. When he demonstrated it to American investors, they ridiculed the gadget and the share price collapsed to 67c. In Australia, Shortall was left fending off media queries and defending the product to the end: "We've had some derogatory press, otherwise there is no reason that the price should fall," he said. "Everything is positive." Not long afterwards he left.

    Shortall says he was hired to get the company listed on the Nasdaq high-tech board in the US, which he did. Despite being quoted as company spokesman in the media, and being employed as Richter's "executive assistant", he says he only worked for Formulab for seven months, was not a director, and got out before it collapsed completely "because I felt that I had been somewhat deceived".

    "My own brother [Eugene] invested in the company at $1.20. He lost $300,000 or $400,000," Shortall says. "Now, believe me, if I thought there was anything underhanded or anything wrong . . . I would never have let my brother invest."

    So it was stupidity ?

    "No. I may have been naive in believing in the technology," he says.

    Nevertheless, within three years of leaving Formulab, Shortall was in charge of a third company, this time from his new base on Queensland's Gold Coast. The company, Sigma Global Pty Ltd, sold "investment analysis software," which Shortall reluctantly explains was designed to help people pick winners at horse races.

    ASIC records show Shortall and his partner, Brian Frederick Smallwood, resigned from the company in 2001, leaving it with no directors. Shortall says he sold the firm to Smallwood, although no change in the shareholding is registered. He says this was Smallwood's fault. In any case, Sigma Global Pty Ltd ceased to exist last August when it, too, was deregistered by the ASIC.

    Asked whether his involvement in these three companies constituted an "exceptional track record" and "successful marketing", as claimed in his corporate CV, Shortall says: "I think you are being very unfair. I think you are being extremely unfair."

    Since Unitract was floated, Shortall has been leading a ritzy lifestyle, occupying a mansion in beachside Tamarama which rents for $14,000 a month, has two Mercedes cars and a Bentley (which he says is for sale), and makes frequent extended trips overseas - to Europe, South-East Asia and the US - on company business. He throws a great party, and rubs shoulders with minor celebrities ranging from Big Brother hostess Gretel Killeen to disgraced detective Roger Rogerson.

    His annual pay of $396,726 in cash and share options is paid to Underline International Pty Ltd, a company that provides Shortall's services to Unitract. Shortall says he receives only "about $15,000 a month" from Underline, which leaves the company more than $200,000 a year in front.

    Shortall owns only four of the 100 shares in Underline, with 95 shares being held by a Unitract investor called Roger Williamson who gives a London address (see box). Williamson also pays the rent on the Tamarama house. Underline's sole director is Shortall's son, Stephen Allen.

    Why this convoluted arrangement? Shortall offers no explanation beyond saying that "there's nothing dodgy or sinister about it". He says Williamson pays the rent on the house because he sometimes stays there when he is visiting Australia.

    But the Unitract board believes all this is insufficient reward for Shortall's talents. At the company's recent annual meeting they intended to propose the issue of 8.5 million options to Shortall over the next 2 years, subject to share price targets being achieved. This would be on top of the 3.5 million shares and options he got last year, and a further 500,000 options he may receive later this year for work "as part of the promoter group" of Unitract.

    All up, he would get 12.5 million shares for nothing but his hard work, making him the company's second biggest shareholder with a stake worth around $27 million - more than the entire amount Unitract has raised since it floated - at yesterday's price of $2.18

    With some shareholders questioning the wisdom of the options handout - although directors say they held 30 million proxies in favour of the motion - the board dropped the proposal at the last minute, citing proposed new corporate governance rules and the "public debate on the remuneration of senior executives". But chairman David Riekie said the package would be "revisited" later.

    If approved, it would make Shortall as much as the inventor of the needle, Thorley, who enjoys the image of a battler from the Hunter. Thorley says he will be entitled to 7.9 million shares later this year, and another 5 million if and when the company makes a profit - worth a total $28 million at current prices. "My friends and family have all invested in the stock, so it's imperative that we make this work," he says.

    But Thorley is not splashing out big just yet. While Shortall has the mansion, the Bentley and the Mercs, Thorley bought his first new car a few months ago - a V8 Holden Commodore utility.

    With additional research by Emiliya Mychasuk in London.
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