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stock being run up again with misleading info

  1. 206 Posts.
    hi All
    lots of new names, wonder if they are new pepole?

    ggg stock is moving up again, just like it did last year during this last week of last year. Coincidence? i don't believe in coincidence.

    also lets look at what has changed for this company?

    chinese are limiting rare earth exports again this month.
    so what. it means nothing for ggg because they can't mine anything or produce any kind of rare earth product for the forseeable future. with the best of luck, not for 5 to 7 years.

    does anyone think the current market will be the same in 5 to 7 years, does anyone really have a clue what the market will look like in 5 years, anyone who says they do is somone who is to be avoided.

    what else could it be
    oh there have been a couple of research reports talking about price targets for ggg. maybe that is it?

    lets look at the reports
    one is from an american firm. first if you look at the small print on the last page you will see that the report was bought and paid for by ggg.

    next the company (the guys who issued the report) did such a bad job of due diligence they have been forced to modify the report twice so far, to fix a number of very material in-accuracies.
    these include
    1)the false statement that ggg owns 100% of the kvanejfeld tenement. this is false. ggg owns 61% of the tenement.
    this caused all the numbers in the report to be wrong, wonder where they got that info? the company maybe? how could they make that mistake?
    2)that the company can go from it's current 61% ownership in Kvanejfeld to 100% by paying their joint venture partner 60 million dollars. the reason this statement is false is because the joint venture no longer exists, ggg's actions caused it to be repudiated, its gone period. they no longer have any right to buy the other 39% at all. so given the fact that there is no longer a contractual set price and the fact that the valuation based on ggg's newly increased market cap makes the remaining 39% worth several hundred million, does anyone think ggg will be able to buy it for 60 million? would you sell it for that? so it is likely, based on the companies financial position (very limited resources) that they will ever own more than 61%? the short answer is no.
    3)the initial report said that the company had rights and had offtakes in place for rare earths on the "southern tenement" that adjoins Kvanejfeld. the fact is that as the report was written and as it stands today ggg has no such rights and no such offtakes exist, or if they do the actual owner of the "southern tenement" has never seen or heard of or signed off on them. again a statement that was wrong. where do you think they got the info?
    4)the numbers included uranium revenue. to include uranium revenue is misleading and ridiculous. ggg has never had and doesn't have today, any rights to uranium on the kvanejfeld tenement. the gme license specifically excludes any rights to uranium. further more, despite alot of hype from the company and really obtuse lobbying and pr, the zero tolerance uranium policy for mining in greenland is still in place and stronger than ever. the recently ended legislative session in Greenland saw the coalition for maintaining the zero tolerance policy get stronger rather than weaker. given the uranium in the kvanejfeld tenement and the zreo tolerance policy there is no reason or justification to assume or to include any uranium income and it continues to be very questionable as to whether ggg will ever be allowed to mine anything.
    the company who issued the report has had to change it twice already and it still is not correct. it also says that the price targets move down if they only have 61% to one dollar and change and if they don't have uranium, they will not put a value on it at all. again, they don't have the uranium and again there is no reason to think they ever will have it, so it would seem the price is beyond way the target of this so called report.

    the second report, that came out this week, contains similar inaccuracies. when contacted, they refused to modify their report. it should not be relied upon at all as it is just plain wrong for a number of the same points i mentioned above. they don't seem to care that it is wrong. I wonder where they got their information? do you think it might have been the company? how could they make mistakes like that? why would a responsible firm want to stand by and foist a report, that they have been told is incorect, on their clients who might rely and trade on it?

    next the company is now frozen. it can't do anything except to work on a newly required environmental and social impact study of the tenement. this study will take a minimum of several years and cost tens of millions of dollars (money the company doesn't currently have). said study then must pass a review process that is totally subjective before it can be approved, it might very possibly not be approved. in the meantime the company can do nothing else, no feasability study, no further exploratory drilling, nothing. this is not good news, yet the stock is up from the 30s to 1.15. why? there is no good news.

    lastly, the company has been given permission to handle and look at the uranium in kvanejfeld, but only, yes only, as is required to do the environmental and social impact study. the company has put this limited permission forward as though it gives them the right to explore for uranium as they would if the had the rights in their license and were working to show feasability. again, the Greenland government has made it clear that this is not the case. the ggg license has no rights, no rights to uranium period.

    sorry really the last thought. so what else. has there been any management change? no. has the current management done a great job lately or ever? no. has there been any significant partners or funding coming on board? no. do they have the funding necessary too see the project through even to feasability (and the md, mr mcilree, has said the project is not economic without uranium)? no. they only own 61% of the project. they can't afford and have no rights to buy the rest.

    where is the good news to make this stock go up? there is none. so why is it? doe anyone think there should be investigations to find out why no one can get the story right and accurate as to what is going on at this company and with this project. and maybe look at who is buying and who is selling. and what is up with management and large shareholders exercising large numbers of options (not usually the best sign when management and major shareholders (like mck manynames many companies) are cashing out and heading for the exits at the same time they are talking up the stock (albetit with less than accurate information)? yeah does anyone else think an investigation might be a good idea?

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