The question pops up regularly.These companies market...

  1. 1,296 Posts.
    The question pops up regularly.

    These companies market themselves. They often have a freeby teaser newsletter. They will make out that the market is too scary and complicated for anyone wanting to dabble. You need their specialist help to make millions of dollars and end up on easy street.

    The real answer is anyone can make a few stock selections and write glowing reports, it is knowing when to sell that most people and stock letters fail at. You end up taking low profits and holding the losers.

    Buy stocks trending up. Let the winners run, cut the losers. Average up, never average down. Don't hold too much of a speccie in your portfolio.

    From your post, you are a person new to shares. Have 80% of your holding in blue chips, 20% in specs. The specs are good fun, but very volatile. Very easy for newbies to get caught in a pump and dump on HC, end up in an illiquid stock going doooowwwwn. The price goes up by the stairs, then down by the elevator. There are ramping teams, shilling, flaming of truthfull posts etc, but there are also very good posters mixed in there.

    Most newsletters also have a free trial. Give a few a go. You may like to subscribe to one, but as soon as you are no longer finding the information useful, dump it.

    Another vote for the Giz report.
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