Stockholm Syndrome, page-10

  1. 12,091 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 158
    " Post Howard to the demise of Abbott, we have seen 4 PMs lead the nation into political despair and stagnation. Vision has stalled. Policy progression has stagnated. The nation's psyche and confidence had been damaged and sapped. Daily in papers, on radio, on TV there have been graphic accounts of the imbroglio of political dysfunction for all to witness."

    I don't disagree with this, but it is not the qualities of the leaders responsible for the dysfunction , it is the current crop of politicians as a collective. Our system ensure that these exact politicians remain entrenched.

    Howard was popular because he was the first politician/party that returned money to the net tax paying engine room of the country through his middle class welfare. He was rewarded with a long tenure. He understood populism.

    Successive governments and politicians have focussed of supporting their parties vested interests on the opposite side of the spectrum. The middle class taxpayer has been paying ever since, whether it is Gonski, NDIS, business tax cuts or a price on carbon.

    Politicians are failing to govern for the benefit of all constituents. Discontent and populism are the inevitable outcome.

    The media cycle enhances this.

    Its not about this leader or that, it is about the balance between good politics and good government getting out of kilter as parties pursue the key to power at all cost. Courting collective fringe groups in an attempt to gain a majority.

    Populism is the only cure. but not necessarily the best outcome.

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

    I am not calling for the blood of our politicians, but we could certainly do with some refreshing of them (and regularly)
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