stocking for doomsday - how not to do it

  1. 3,728 Posts.
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    When/if it arrives and you've stockpiled a bucket load of supplies including food, water, toilet paper and money, here's a tip - don't tell anyone that you're prepared. The following couple is the perfect example of how to get it oh so wrong. But if you're in the area when all hell breaks loose, then at least you know where to go when you've run out of that all important toilet paper.

    Click here

    I love the following reader's comments:

    "People are fools to advertise this. If you are going to do this (and I'm not saying you shouldn't) you don't tell anyone, even your children (they'll tell their school friends etc). If the system does break down, this country cannot feed itself (we import masses of food to feed our overpopulated country) and it will get very ugly, very quickly. Civilised behaviour will evaporate. They say that if you push even the most mild mannered man far enough you will see the red eyes of the cave-man staring right back at you. If a man has starving children at home, he becomes an animal without conscience and he will beat your door down with an axe, and then you too if he thinks you are 'hoarding' food while his children starve. If you're going to hoard food, do it quietly and be prepared to defend it because if you don't it will gone within 24 hours of anarchy breaking out and it will all have been for nothing.........."

    - A Richards, London, 17/12/2011 14:45

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