stop being a propaganda tool, page-10

  1. 1,799 Posts.

    It is not surprising to see some of HC's blockheads taking peculiar pleasure as they excitedly reassure themselves by trying to discredit a small-town mother, over what they perceive as her flip-flop on Iraq. These servile types project whatever they can find in the hope that it will disqualify any dissenter such as Sheehan from being a legitimate war critic. Problem is dissent is nothing new and at this point of time only 38 percent according to some poll numbers agree with this war in Iraq.

    Sheehan has every right to choose dissent in her grief if this is what she feels she must do. Challenging the chimp with his disgusting media represents the highest form of patriotism. When you see that you have been duped why wouldn't you demand answers?

    e.g. ......

    "The theory that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11 was disproven by the 9/11 commission's report. A huge factor in Americans believing all this bull is that our media..the Fourth Estate didn't do any research and expose the lies for what they were: justifications for invading a country that posed no imminent or long-term threat to America." says Cindy Sheehan who wants the lies exposed.

    "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality." ..... Cindy Sheehan referring to a chimp media puppet.
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