Stop being racist: Steggall to Dutton, page-218

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    A final Note
    On a final note, it is critical to understand that the Centre is not a religious organisation; we do nonetheless explore and represent “already existing” religious scholarship on issues that affect women, particularly issues that relate to the well-being of women. This is because as Muslim women we do not ascribe to the view that our religion views us as less human or as deserving less human dignity than our male counterparts. Nor is this guide intended to promote Islam or suggest that Muslim women enjoy equal status to men within the faith. The reality is, of course, far more complex and dynamic.
    This guide is intended to inform only, and will, of course, not represent the views of all Muslims. Some of the material in this guide will prove controversial, particularly as it privileges women’s rather than men’s account of Islam, and also because it privileges a social justice account of Islam, as opposed to a hierarchical model that suggests only male jurists preaching from exclusively male institutions have a right to interpret Islamic text and practice.
    Finally, it will prove controversial because it privileges scholars who accept that Islam is a living religion that is constantly adapting to modern issues and challenges, as opposed to a religion that established a set of religious norms in the 11th century AD that cannot be changed, irrespective of how much humanity, human spiritual consciousness or the world may have changed.

    I will leave it for Australian Muslim women to have the final say.

    The whole report is very interesting and confirms the need for strong boarders to protect all Australians regardless of their race, religion or gender.

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