Stop being racist: Steggall to Dutton, page-261

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    @pintohoo -

    The political threads on here, although not truly representative of the total population, because heavily weighted towards grumpy older males - are to me, with some exceptions, a bit of a representation of some of the right-wing extremes one sees out in public around the world; these are reactionaries in the true sense; 'reacting' only without proper analysis of why things happen etc. and these simple and lazy minds are everywhere, and will cause havoc if not checked.
    We are already fighting wars via our computers, we are creating opinions by way of easy slogans transmitted by Twitter, X and other social media, people are taking the easy way out from thinking and problem-solving by simple up-clicks or adding other, child-like, symbols on their friends' posts.
    I have yet to up-tick a political message sent to me via those social media, do not write on them, except here and try to minimise my presence on here as well. I have come to the conclusion, writing on here is fairly pointless, except as an observation/recognition of how we are manipulated and are happily going along with it, as long as we get that chance of relief by writing or reading a post which agrees with ours - and then we, happily, continue our day, thinking we have done some good - I am as bad as the next person in this respect.
    Real problems are not solved that way:
    Take the housing problem for example; - The capitalist model single 3 or 4-bedroom, 2 bathroom (!) house has been failing the last 2 generations. We will never solve our housing problem without planning and building very different housing types to what we have now.
    Disclaimer: I do live in a single home on a large block, do appreciate it for the luxury it is compared to my growing up in 100 m2 of a flat on the 5th floor (99 steps to negotiate, even for my now deceased mother) - but I was unaware, it was home, it had a big yard, neighbours, some good some bad and lots of children to play with - and it offered heaps of insights into other lives, something my children had to slowly and painfully gain in their adult years - no need to watch "Neighbours" . . .
    The single home will either have to become very cheap and shoddily built on an ever-shrinking piece of ground, or it will have to make way for better use of space, by building multi-storey buildings. I think our architects have failed us big-time, our programs on TV opt for the luxurious single home.

    We need a government, politicians, who are determined to solve real problems and stop their steady round of publicity stunts, the steady round of clubs, ribbon-cutting etc. etc. which wastes their time. I know, I have worked for politicians - and the amount of minutae they have to deal with on a daily basis cuts into their genuine role as representing us, solving problems etc.
    Just look at the waste of time a sordid little affair carried on in Parliament House has turned out to be and has cost us money, taxpayers money - I made a valiant attempt not to read anything about it, yet it continues here on HC.
    I don't know what the answer is, except that each of us, individually, should try to become a better person, no matter what political opinion we hold, and try and be fair to the other side.
    In this sense
    go well

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