stop the boats--not, page-5

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    It is almost like the Labor Party cheer squad here and around the country are praying that Australia will continue to be inundated by illegal immigrants and will continue to spend billions on detention centres and a taxi service for anybody that steps onto a boat, instead of on things that matter for our future!
    They seem to hope that the Coalition will fail to stop the flood of boats and the stream of people coming over our borders just so that they can hold hands and dance around with their green friends laughing at the rest of Australia that is behind the serious attempts to protect our borders and our lifestyle.

    Labor for six years, after sticking the middle finger up to us all and a policy that was effective, have squandered untold money on not even attempting to fix something that they broke. It was all lip service and vote grabs, incredible ineptness, grandstanding and stupidity on display to all.

    Yet now while the representatives that vast majority of Australians voted in to fix the mess, we have the luvvies standing on the side lines jeering and calling them names?

    To me it is plainly obvious that the supporters of the left of Politics and vote Labor have some serious mental issues and should seek help immediately...

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