stopping prople going out in there boat, page-11

  1. 85,882 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    where I am there must be ??? hundreds of boats looking after themselves

    the only people allowed in are the people living on the boats - of which there are 10

    everything is shut

    I see the person who works in the marina office appear some days for a short while - she's working from home mainly and can be contacted - I saw her one day walking the pontoons - I only saw her walk where there was a boat with a person staying on it

    I have no idea what happens if a boat got into trouble - like began to sink at the mooring or similar -- those who saw it would obviously contact management - don't know what would happen from there in this circumstance

    if a line was just rubbed through or similar - one of us would fix it - it's been windy as a bugger for a couple of days and the butter almost blew clean out of my croissant one night ------------- but, if a boat needed an emergency lift - I really don't know what would happen - it's absolute peak time for doing things and preparing here because tomorrow is the beginning of peak season -

    some peak ------- 10 of us - so few, we are all allocated separate showers if we use them
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