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READ it & WEEP michaelmfranz & stick to the facts!!!!! Heads of...

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    READ it & WEEP michaelmfranz & stick to the facts!!!!!

    Heads of Agreement with Hot Shot Media Pty Ltd
    Mooter Media Limited (Mooter) is pleased to announce that it has signed aHeads of Agreement with Technology Innovation & Development CompanyHot Shot Media Pty Ltd.

    (HotShot)HotShot is the developer of a unique and exciting suite of interactive onlineentertainment products based on the revolutionary convergence of social gamingand networking wrapped around digital imagery and photography.

    The initialdevelopment of HotShots photo networking platform is nearing completion, andan initial, open beta launch of that platform to select global markets is due withina number of weeks.Pursuant to the Agreement executed by the parties on 16 February 2010, Mooterhas been granted the first rights to sign an exclusive revenue sharing, Sales andMarketing Partnership with HotShot.

    The Partnership will jointly market andcommercially exploit the full suite of HotShot games, gaming and competitionbased products.HotShot was founded in early 2009, by its current Chairman (and recentlyappointed Mooter Chairman), Peter Jermyn.

    Hot Shot Media, Inc.

    was thenestablished as a subsidiary corporation in San Francisco to become the majordevelopment arm of the project and of the Hot Shot Media Group.

    A secondcorporate, marketing and development arm (Hot Shot Media Pte Ltd) has alsobeen established in Singapore.The Hot Shot Media Group is a well-funded and highly resourced group.

    Thegroup has raised significant capital and interest through the completion of fundraising rounds to well-credentialed and high net worth sources in Australia andinternationally.Making comment on HotShots origins, Mr.

    Jermyn said:HotShots objective was to create an online entertainment platform that couldtranscend the language, economic, cultural and other boundaries that havetraditionally restricted global-scale participation.It had to be a platform that excited, captured and immersed as large a worldwideaudience as was imaginable.HotShot believes it has developed the concept and the interface capable ofdoing exactly that.

    In the process it has originated a raft of unique and highlyexciting entertainment, active participation and gaming concepts.HotShot now finds itself engrossed within the dynamic surrounds of severalmulti-billion dollar industries occupying the prolifically expanding online arenas ofcasual games, social networking and global entertainment connectivity.

    HotShotuniquely populates, however, a simple, potentially huge, but as-yet-undevelopedor unrecognised niche within the social gaming space.

    The concept has the realability to grow into a massive interconnect of entertainment and web gamingtechnologies.HotShots unique concepts and applications, particularly its game-changinghallmark product currently being developed, will allow participants to engage inrevolutionary new ways to communicate ways to engage in and shareentertainment activities that are completely novel and, yet, totally familiar.

    Aworldwide audience will be able to reach out, connect and interact with coparticipantsacross a vast global network, unimpeded by any of the normalbarriers that previously restricted them.HotShots revolutionary photo-centric, image-active focused networking platformwill enable people to use a simple medium to connect into an environment ofsocial networking and gaming that will provide compelling and spontaneousentertainment that may, very well, change the way the world sees, uses andenjoys the web.Independent Mooter Director, Mr.

    Nicholas Stavropoulos, said:I have only recently been introduced to the full gambit of the HotShot concept, itsdevelopments, its team and its array of ideas and products.

    Being in the onlinebusiness for many years, I have a sound knowledge of the space, but I have tosay that the HotShot concept is extraordinary.

    The numbers both in terms ofusers and dollars reflected in HotShots targeted markets are simply colossal.I noticed in a recent article in the New York Times that it is anticipated that theworlds largest online social gaming provider, *Zynga, will launch an Initial PublicOffering this year at a valuation of between USD $1.5 billion and $3.0 billion.The reason for such unprecedented market interest is obvious: *Zynga titles thatdid not exist this time last year have leapt to active user bases exceeding 65million.

    It is just incredible that their MAU (monthly active users) have leapt from21.5 million to over 150 million in only nine months.With the market expected to grow at some $60 million per month to a total of $2billion per annum by 2012, HotShot is clearly in a very lucrative space indeed.HotShots unique differentiations and monetization methods and their cleverconcepts place them in an advantageous position to match and upstage theirlarger competitors.It is worthy of note that photo management application *Flickr now hosts over 4billion photos, while *Facebook the worlds largest image host claims over 15billion a figure that apparently increases by around 14 million every day.Hot Shot Medias innovative products have the ability to tap into the unrealisedpotential of these photos and the content and excitement within them.

    This hasthe scope to deliver a rich, immersive and rewarding user-experience that canharness rather than compete with the broad, multicultural user bases of theworlds largest photo management and social networking sites.Most significantly, the way I understand the HotShot concept will operate, theyare essentially flipping the current economic model, used by most of theircontemporaries, on its head.

    Most online business in this space, particularly thosein the social networking arena, start gaining material revenue and certainlypositive revenue only after a very significant lead time; and that revenueprimarily comes from advertising.

    Not so in the case of the HotShot model.

    It isforecast to generate revenue from commencement and its financial success is notdependent, at all, on advertising income.I truly feel that the Mooter ~ HotShot partnership is capable of delivering anentertainment experience and destination site that has the potential to rival thewebs largest in terms of scale, scope and revenue growth.Commenting further on the Partnership and the Agreement, Mr.

    Jermyn said:I see the partnership as a mutually beneficial alliance.HotShot clearly brings an extraordinarily exciting project to Mooter, together withthe opportunity for it to share in massive revenue potential and dynamic growth,while Mooter, in turn, brings to the partnership: a public forum for investor interest; a trading bourse for investment; an increased financial press and IT media coverage; an increased promotional exposure and a higher credibility acceptance, because of the transparency andreporting disclosures required of listed, public companies.Although HotShot intends to form a number of significant economic alliances withmajor international corporations in order to fully realize the massive upside of thisimmensely popular form of active entertainment, there will be no other partnershipof a similar nature to that to be encompassed in the Mooter Sales and MarketingPartnership.Mooters revenue potential through the Sales and Marketing Partnership couldbe immense.

    The arrangement affords them significant influence over the sales,marketing and deployment of HotShots photo networking platform and its gamingand entertainment concepts.HotShot is also well advanced in the final selection of its commercial sponsoringpartners.

    Those partners identified are iconic in name, global in reach and lendadditional recognition, strength and acceptance to and of the product.

    Mooter willparticipate in all of these activities, arrangements and financial benefits.The companies intend to now finalise and complete the formal Sales andMarketing Agreement.Because of various related party involvements and other matters, that agreementwill require the approval of Mooter shareholders at a forthcoming meeting.

    Themeeting will be convened as soon as is practically possible.Due to the incredibly competitive nature of the online entertainment and gamingindustry and the revolutionary way that HotShot has incorporated many new andcaptivating features, HotShot has requested that disclosure of proprietary and/orconfidential facts and details are contained to the maximum extent possible at thistime.On this point, Mr.

    Jermyn said:For obvious reasons, HotShot would like to operate in stealth mode for as longas it possibly can.

    Some of the unique ideas, developments and solutions interms of novel innovations, game concepts and scalability architecture, tomention only a few, are extremely commercially sensitive.

    Both companies needto diligently protect them.

    With the approaching launch of one of the products,however, details will shortly emerge.Hot Shot Media, Inc.

    (the US subsidiary of HotShot) is known to boast a team ofoutstanding, internationally qualified and experienced professionals.

    Theyspecialise in all forms of technical innovation.

    The collective team has significantexpertise in the management of online projects from concept ideation through toproduct launch, marketing and delivery.

    HotShot have advised that frominception, that company has contracted the services of one of the worlds mosthighly regarded and credentialed gaming law attorneys.

    His role was andcontinues to be to actively advise, recommend and assist HotShot in the crucialarea of international gaming regulations.Hot Shot Pte Ltd (the Singapore arm of HotShot) will focus on specific productdevelopment, quality assurance and the further advancement of unique technicalarchitectures and systems testing methodologies, particularly those relating to thescalability of online and web applications.

    That company will also play asignificant role in global marketing, sponsorship management and promotion.On the corporate structure Mr.

    Jermyn said:The Singapore arm is both important and pivotal.HotShot intends to fully tap into Singapores burgeoning infocom industry and thequality of graduates that come through their technical universities.

    Additionally, itscommercial, taxation and infrastructural advantages are significant, while itsperceived neutrality and geographic centrality will become key factors as themission to go totally global continues to advance.

    The Asian region is one ofvarious key focus areas for HotShot, and the company is absolutely committed toleveraging all of Singapores benefits to make it a key strategic anddevelopmental base.In summing up, Mr.

    Jermyn made the following remark:Clearly one could attribute a lot of bias to my comments and my views.

    I doubtthat I have seen, however, a company-making opportunity that is more excitingthan HotShot, or that has such growth potential and revenue scope.

    HotShot, andnow, through the partnership connection, Mooter, are in the midst of the newonline phenomenon of social gaming.HotShot have developed an innovative way of combining or converging elementsof many of the successful online applications within the gaming and networkingspace and put a radical but simple twist on the way it will be delivered.HotShot has built an outstanding technical and management team, under theguidance of its CEO, Mr.

    Danny Maco, capable of fully supporting their uniqueinnovations and technical achievements.

    I am totally confident that the Hot ShotMedia Group team has the ability, experience, drive and dedication to meet theaggressive goals that have been set.The Mooter Board has resolved to form a Special Advisory Board/Committee ofthe Company to assist, advise and recommend to the Mooter Board, ideas,concepts and planning strategies designed to maximize the value and revenueworth of the HotShot project and the operations of the Partnership.Mooter is delighted that three exceptionally talented members of the Hot ShotMedia Group team, namely Professor Paul Fullwood, Ms.

    Jeannine Smith and Mr.Stewart Bonn have agreed to join Mr.

    Peter Jermyn on the Special AdvisoryBoard.Profiles of each of the above are set out below:Professor Paul FullwoodPaul Fullwood has an extraordinary background in both technology and contentdevelopment in all forms of interactive entertainment in a career spanning 25years.

    He founded his own software development company in the USA in 1979,moving the company on in to television production and technology andconsultancy for ten years.As multimedia technology and content developed during the eighties, Paul movedon into development and production for console and PC platforms.

    In 1996 he cofounded*Lightspan Inc., a company developing educational games for the *SonyPlaystation.

    In 1999, he joined *Hasbro Interactive as VP Head of WorldwideStudios where he ran a team of 230 developers with a US$26 million budget.

    In2001 he founded *Digital Animation Inc., a venture capital funded company withunique video compression technology.Prior to joining Hot Shot Media, Paul was Professor at the International Centre forComputer Games and Virtual Entertainment (IC_CAVE) at the University ofAbertay, where he also served on the Academic Senate.Ms.

    Jeannine SmithJeannine Smith brings more than 20 years of operation, engineering, andnetworking experience to the Hot Shot Media Group.

    Preceding her role atHotShot, Jeannine was Senior Vice President of Operations of billion-dollar photomanagement company *Shutterfly, Inc.

    (NASDAQ:SFLY) from 2005-2007.

    In thisposition, Jeannine was responsible for all strategic and operational facets of*Shutterflys manufacturing and global order fulfillment operations.

    She was ChiefEngineering Officer at *Shutterfly from 2001-2006.Prior to *Shutterfly, Jeannine spent seven years at *Silicon Graphics, where sheworked as the principal engineer designing Internet-based video conferencingand professional film and video applications.

    Before *SGI, Jeannine worked at anumber of networking companies, including *Ungermann-Bass and *ProtocolEngines, building routers and designing chips and protocols.Jeannine earned her BS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.Mr.

    Stewart BonnStewart Bonn is one of the true pioneers of the computer gaming world,successfully managing the monetization of all styles of games for over 25 years.He joined *Electronic Arts (who recently acquired social gaming company*Playfish in a deal reportedly worth over $400 million) in 1983 as one of their firstemployees, and produced many of *Electronic Arts most successful titles.

    AsSenior Vice President and General Manager of *EA Studios, he directed thedevelopment for all PC and videogame cartridge games.In 1999 he joined *There Inc., a massively multiplayer internet services start-up inMenlo Park where he was Vice-President, Production.In early 2006, he joined * as VP, Talent and Co-founder.

    * hostedcontests that included an "American Idol" style singing contest, but ranged farbeyond that into comedy, photography, art, and writing, before being acquired by*Yahoo in 2007.Stewart earned a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UCBerkeley.About Mooter Media LimitedMooter Media is a developer and provider of digital media solutions, including atargeting and analysis platform that predicts personalises and delivers morerelevant advertising to an advertisers target audience.For further information visit, or contact:Peter Jermyn, ChairmanTelephone: +61 2 9325 5900Email: [email protected]
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