STT Week Start - 20th Oct., page-6

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 20th Oct 2014 (No. 136)
    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as I do not have the time to research all the facts that have been provided. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    BDI - West African Gold Explorer with project adjacent to OBS's Bonanza Natougou Depost Discovery [20/10/2014]
    Market Cap $1.5m Cash $750k following rebates Company acquired an option over the Diakouli project which lays North of and Along Strike from Orbis Golds Bonanza Natougou Deposit Discovery. OBS has recently received a $160m cash takeover bid which it has refused. It's deposit is described as one of the best discoveries in West Africa of the last 5yrs because of its highly profitable potential. This is because it is shallow, high grade and free digging as well as having good recovery and processing characteristics. BDI have completed a first pass sampling program the intention of which is to identify the "potential" for an OBS Natougou style discovery. Assays are due Make no mistake BDI is a spec dog but being capped at only $1.5m, OBS shows there is huge 100 Bagger plus upside if they can replicate OBS discovery WHICH WILL BE VERY VERY HARD. Still I think it's worth a punt Company is led by Geologist David Porter who was founding chairman of Mbalam Iron now being developed by SDL and also Golden Rim Resource s, while both these companies and projects have fallen well off their highs at one point Mbalam made SDL a $1Billion company and GMR was trading well over $100m so big things could be in store for little BDI
    Poster: Strauss© (STT Accuracy: 48.8% - Ranking No.7 ) (Mcap: $1.4m)

    PLS - Mining for Tantalum in Pilbara [19/10/2014]
    Latest price $0.055 FA pick I think another 50% is not out of the question despite a sensational 4 week run. Recent Beers and Co report values at 10c now with de-risked value at 31c Top 20 hold 80%, Mining for Tantalum in Pilbara which is used in electronics. Drilling complete to shore up Tabba tabba and extend offtake agreement from 19 months to 5 years. Results due this week Soon to be drilling for Lithium at world class Pilgangoora Tantalum-Lithium Project. Drill rig mobilised Conducted a cap raise, SPP and a large cornerstone investor for $500,000 (Mr Vaughn Blank, see link below) was to be an Employee Share Plan and Non-Executive Director and Consultant Share Plan, but was canned in announcement today. This may have held buyers back thinking it could have dropped back. Limited 'ask' at the moment and range holding well.... that all came to pass!! Announcement expected include: 1a) Drilling commencing to upgrade the Inferred resource at Tabba Tabba - completed and expected this week 1b) Approval for mine plan - any day 2) Earthworks completed - stock piling of ore as well as processing plant completed in Perth - Mid October 3) Final Operating Permit, required before shipping tantalite concentrate from site - mid-November "The project is forecast to generating EBITDA of $16 million and life-of-mine revenue of $30.2 million for a pre-start-up capital cost of $3.9 million, of which over $1.5 million has already been spent (see ASX Announcement – 19 February 2014)". Drill rig moved to 100% owned Pilgangoorra Lithium. A lot more interest with more volatility. Expect 52 week to be tested and broken over the next 4 weeks
    Poster: Ibuybullion (STT Accuracy: 58.3% - Ranking No.4 ) (Mcap: $32.7m)

    MTA - Base metals and Graphite in Africa [17/10/2014]
    Multi-project exploration. Mozambique: Zn-Pb-Cu-Graphite **on: Zn=Pb-Cu-Ba Tanzania: Cu-Au Recently raised $5M @ 15c in a well-supported placement that saw mgmt take-up their entitlement (adding to decent existing positions)Rio Mazoe project (Moz) Pb-Zn-Ag drilling campaign to kick-off in late October - High grade and shallow depth intercepts found in 2013 campaign, up to 1251ppm Ag, up to 21.56% Pb, up to 27.48% Zn. Montapuez graphite project also to commence in October or November. - Outcropping graphite bearing schist and gneiss, grades of up to 16.5% TGC and 0.3% Vanadium from 16 rock chip samples - 10 km long strong VTEM anomaly is coincident with the outcrops of graphite- A green mineral within the graphite bearing unit has been confirmed as roscoelite – a mineral containing vanadium. Large flake size has been correlated to the higher grade rock chip samples. Register - Jason Peterson has just taken a stake at 15c in the recent placement, adding to previous purchases for a 5.76% holding. Anyone who follows this CPS Capital director knows he has a good track record playing the smaller end of the market. - Transore International FZE (UAE) have taken a 5.94% stake in the recent placement and are a global commodity player. Part of their 'About' is telling, TransOre aims to source bulk commodities from low cost regions in Sub-Saharan Africa and supply high growth markets in the Middle East, Asia and beyond. - only ~130M shares on issue, MTAO also available with 2017 expiry.
    Poster: Heraclitus (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $10.7m)

    NXM - Gold in WA ? [16/10/2014]
    Has around 10.4c cash in bank and this morning announced the farm-in to WA Eastern Goldfields Terms of the JV are very reasonable and see's them drilling the deposit in the next few weeks Some nice historical grades are provided in the report - up to 32g/t Even after initial drilling and payments, cash backing around 8c per share or more - so plenty of room to move upwards with drilling and still have cash backing Substantial holders have been buying more on market and the MD has options at around 10.5c also Nice play here
    Poster: Vontrader (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $3.8m)

    1PT - Cloud Based Human resources [16/10/2014]
    First silicon valley company to list on the ASX * Result of reverse takeover by ITT * Cap raising of $8.5m at $0.20 per share was oversubscribed * Funds will be used on marketing activities 1PG listed today on ASX at 11am. Opened at $0.345. 1-Page is a cloud-based human resources Software-as-a-Service platform, currently employed by leading global and US companies. The Enterprise Challenge-based Assessment and Engagement Platform is an innovative, patented, HR tool which enables companies to individually rank and prioritize candidates for employment positions based on their ability to solve real-time business challenges and achieve strategic objectives. Company video. The company will spend $8.5m on marketing and attracting new big clients.
    Poster: Chai_wala (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $0m)

    CXZ - Technology in Vehicles [15/10/2014]
    Leading the push for connecting cars to the internet. Let’s be honest.... It’s a given then this will happen... it already is... who wants to listen to boring radio these days... And on that, imagine the statistics that radio stations could get feedback on if their listeners are connected through the internet rather than the unmeasurable radio waves. Ridiculously small market cap at 3 (million) Here’s a nice article for you:
    Poster: Yourwelcome (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $4.7m)

    RWD - Potash focussed exploration company [15/10/2014]
    $5.4 mill cash June Qtly Share price $0.60c Market cap $65M undiluted Reward Minerals Ltd (RWD) is a Potash focussed Exploration Company. RWD has a portfolio of advanced exploration projects located within Australia, several of which host potassium sulphate (SOP) resources. Namely key projects are Lake Disappointment and Karly Project. MD Michael Ruane has about 40mill shares and options (108M share on issue) Expecting a lot of news this quarter. From today’s ASX release Latest sampling of results shows highly encouraging flow rates from a production bore... ..."Observations from the uncased bore hole were as follows: ?Airlifting was performed at various intervals; ?Flows increased with depth ranging from approximately 9 to 21 litres/second (l/s) with surges over 25 l/s; and ?Airlifting in the bore hole resulted in air and water discharging through hole LDDH1401 located approximately 35m from the bore hole"... "The expression of air and water from the proximal DD hole is interpreted as a sign of the excellent porosity of the sediments in the region"... ..."preliminary pumping results are very encouraging"... The recent AMEC study shows $132/T cost to build plant, transport costs roughly $40-60/T. SOP sells for around $750/T. I am out of my depth with the total costs The local Martu people are on board so no native title problems. Expecting results from AMEC, an engineering and project management company, to undertake Scoping Studies on the LD Project. Due Q4 2014. Also: Divested and received 7.5 million GRM shares for sale of database ... I have dropped the ball with these guys. I have a small holding from years ago, and bought a few more recently. Sure to test recent highs in coming weeks imo
    Poster: Ibuybullion (STT Accuracy: 58.3% - Ranking No.4 ) (Mcap: $65.3m)

    RXL - Mineral explorer WA / NT of Australia [15/10/2014]
    All miners/explorers seem to be out of favour, but you can almost set your watch to the ann's with RXL for a quick trade. This is one stock that although high in risk, is one I like the quality off, so I both hold a parcel long term and trade the ann's. RXL is a mineral explorer with interests in Zinc, Nickel and copper. Further Zinc drilling is free carried by Teck who have taken a 51% interest in the deposit discovered. Zinc is one of the few commodities favoured to increase as current supply is exhausted. On the negative side, the find is deep... Nickel sulphides (the good type) at Fisher east are being drilled for after strikes at Camelwood and musket resulted in estimated resources of 3.6m tonnes graded, Ni @ 2% at other finds most recently. Musket also has 100,000 tonnes graded at 10.1% Nickel within 150 m of surface. Metallurgical test work is continuing as is work on the Copper massive sulphides at Bonya. I'm as wary about citing XRF as the next bloke, so assays due shortly should show whether only the good bits were scanned, but this is one of the few small cap explorers with quality management in a difficult time. Also expecting ann's on both zinc and nickel in the next 4-8 weeks. Recent CR for $172K for further drilling of Fisher east (Nickel sulphides) has 849.6m shares outstanding with a Mcap of $35m and a cash position at
    Poster: 383hq (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $31.3m)

    DGR - Gold Project in West Africa [14/10/2014]
    MC = $17.7M ,cash negligible however DGR do own 35 million OBS shares conceivably worth at least $22M given today's unsolicited offer ,if however a bidding war develops for OBS and a higher offer emerges around 75c or higher then we may see DGR's stake in OBS soar further in value along with the MC of DGR.I think it well worth a punt given today's developments. DGR also own 75 million share in AJQ currently worth about $7M
    Poster: John435© (STT Accuracy: 62.5% - Ranking No.2 ) (Mcap: $18.5m)

    AON - Gold Copper in Australia [14/10/2014]
    Market cap roughly 10m at 1.6c. Almost 3 CRs above 1.5c in last 6 months including 1 at 2.2c. Cash position roughly 4m or less but they have been drilling so cash should be less now. Drilling results will start flowing any day now until mid to late November. Major shareholder who is also funding drilling at one of the projects has been selling in the market. In my opinion, he should be closed to finish. Sub holder paid 2c per share
    Poster: Forrestfield© (STT Accuracy: 61% - Ranking No.3 ) (Mcap: $10.1m)

    SEN - Developer and manufacturer of certified, defence-grade encryption solutions [13/10/2014]
    Specialising in high-speed network encryption hardware products and technology designed to protect government and enterprise information. Senetas designs, develops and manufactures in Australia Monthly long basing pattern from the bell curve tailing with rising obv high volume green bars and lower volume red. Weekly showing distribution into July lows from December peak with a sharp rise into current market uncertainty and distribution from highs finishing with strong green candle for the week. Daily showing rounded bottom of cup and picked up in scan which often shows the peak of this pattern and often holds for few days in the scan where we hope for breakout of the pattern to continue longer term.
    Poster: Valen1828 (STT Accuracy: 33.3% - Ranking No.13 ) (Mcap: $54.8m)

    OBS - West Africa gold explorer [13/10/2014]
    Sp 42 cents Mc 95 mil OBS has a resource of 2,5 m 0z at a grade of 3.6 gpt, which is high grade for Africa. On its feasibility study it has a cost of 551 us per oz. It has one main resource with the 2.5 mil oz and is open. It has another 3 resources in the tenement which are expected to be as good. Recently done a 20 mil placement at a 20% above market. Now where does the short term jump come from? Well they have appointed Merryl Lynch as defensive advisers. They have been approached by not one but several parties to take the company over or buy resource. Not one, not 2 but 3 or more parties have approached. Well worth read the presentation to understand why they want it. Pay back even at gold at 1100 US an oz is 14 months and with gold at 1000 us profit over mine life is 2.5 bil. If gold stay at 1200 us it's about 3.5 bil that's without any extension or the other 3 resources. Now the parties will have to go through boa Merryl lynch. I expect no mucking around and stick your best offer in or stop wasting time. This is one of the highest grade resources in West Africa and expect it to bring 200 mil to 250 mil or 80 cent to a dollar plus. This may not end up sold but 3 suitors I expect it to be done within a month.
    Poster: Tcisboss (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $168.7m)

    DDT - Datadot Technology [13/10/2014]
    MCap~$20m Cash on hand ~$2m Financial Analysis - DDT is involved in technology to combat theft and counterfeiting by adding DNA markers or secret numbering to the product to be protected. Primary users are the automotive industry, but they have interesting initiatives with wine bottles for China. DDT is currently raising capital of around $2.8m at 2.7 cents. This to be used for additional sales capability as demand picks up. The business is controlling costs and there is the potential for near term announcements to create interest. Plenty of shares on offer at around 650m, so liquidity should not be an issue
    Poster: Markeewan (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.11 ) (Mcap: $16.7m)

    BUR - Oil /gas in Colarado County, Texas [13/10/2014]
    MCap~$5.9m Cash on hand ~$1.2m No debt Financial Analysis - BUR has 5 producing wells on their Colorado leases. Last month has seen them reach the target depth in the Truchard #3 well. Zones have been perforated and flow testing has been conducted but the well won't flow on its own. The last announcement 10 days ago indicated that they have problems and believe that the cement bond in the casing has been breached allowing water to enter. If they can get over the problem by re-cementing then this will fly from current prices, having fallen back significantly during the waiting period
    Poster: Markeewan (STT Accuracy: 36.4% - Ranking No.11 ) (Mcap: $5.1m)

    COZ - Agriculture / Food plus Carbon Offset Business [13/10/2014]
    Share price - 6.1c Market cap - $38 million Annual Revenue - estimated approx $40 million (last half was $14 million but did not include new acquisitions. $37 million revenue forecast for FY2015 from prawn business alone) Cash - $10 million World class aquaculture management. Aquaculture Business (Seafarms Group) COZ's Director of Aquaculture has the experience of building and running the largest single prawn farm in the world, over 4,000 hectares of ponds integrated with hatchery, feed mill and processing facilities in Saudi Arabia. Prefeasibility work has been completed which focused on the initial development of a production module of 10,000 hectares of grow out ponds producing annually over 100,000 tonnes of Black Tiger prawns. This would make COZ the largest prawn farmer in the world. Production system is vertically integrated with broodstock, hatchery and processing facilities. Project Sea Dragon has continued to progress in the past 6 months and discussions have continued with potential project partner s, with CSIRO already on board. The fastest growing protein sector for last 30 years - aquaculture is now the third largest protein industry behind poultry and pork. Biggest in Australia, to become biggest in the world. COZ is already top 10 globally. Compare to CSS - if CSS is worth $90 million, COZ is worth at least $80 million, or 13c per share. Carbon Business (CO2 Australia) More than 26,400 hectares of forest carbon sinks now established managed on behalf of blue chip Australian and International companies. In operation since 1997 and is the largest provider of dedicated carbon sink plantings in Australasia. Currently manages landmark commercial carbon offset contracts for Qantas Airways, Macquarie Bank, Woodside Energy, Origin Energy, and Newmont Mining. CO2 has more recently also built a strong environmental advisory and management services business
    Poster: Fibonarchery© (STT Accuracy: 50.3% - Ranking No.6 ) (Mcap: $35.5m)

    MOD - Copper explorer in Botswana [13/10/2014]
    MOD is over two weeks into the next round of drilling at its Mahumo Deposit in Botswana. The drilling program will test for mineralisation at surface and along trend from previously identified mineralisation (previous grades ranged between 1.5% to 2.5% copper, peaking at 12.9%, and silver grades between 45g/t and 70g/t, peaking at 208g/t). In particular, the Mahumo diamond core drilling program has four key objectives: 1. Mineral Resource upgrade at the West Zone and East Zone copper/silver deposits 2. Test potential for extensions below the West Zone and East Zone, between 200m to 400m depth 3. Complete conceptual mining study with updated resource, metallurgical and geotechnical results 4. Provide sufficient data to progress the Mahumo Project towards a scoping study level This company has a history of running hard on news from Mahumo - over 16/17 June 2014 it ran from 0.008 to 0.017 (100% increase) based only on reviewing existing drilling at Mahumo. In late September 2014, it ran from 0.01 to 0.015 based on drilling recommencing at Mahumo and the leases being extended by 2 years. If the company confirms that mineralisation continues above and beyond existing results, MOD should run hard again. Given two weeks have elapsed since drilling kicked off, we should get results very soon. Bargain entry at around 52 week lows.
    Poster: CougarTrading (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $4.7m)

    SBB - Chinese Apparel distributor [13/10/2014]
    Current market cap: $45m Cash on 30 June 2014: $30.5m Gross debt: ($5m) P/E: 3SBB, Net tangible asset: 9.7c Also, Big September quarterly report due within 3 weeks. Big brother Septwolves, is still going up this morning.Net asset per share for Septwolves: 6.16 CNY Current share price: 11.05 CNYPE: 27
    Poster: Accaeric (STT Accuracy: 40% - Ranking No.9 ) (Mcap: $44.8m)

    PML - Nickel in WA [10/10/2014]
    MC =$3.13M cash about $1M Parmelia has just completed an oversubscribed raising at 5.5c and since then has been sold down on low volume over the last week. I think given they now have funds to drill their ground at Jaurdi Hills I would expect to see a drill announcement and further details on the EM survey in the next few weeks. I think that will be sufficient to see it break past its previous recent high of 6.2c
    Poster: John435© (STT Accuracy: 62.5% - Ranking No.2 ) (Mcap: $3m)

    CSS - Aquaculture in S.Aust [9/10/2014]
    SP ; .085c MC ; $9m They got lots of fish in their farm . Wild fish stocks are being depleted and Asian demand is growing. Solid Management. Investors looking for other areas to put money having been thrashed in resource specs. I watched this all day today at 8c uhhming and ahhing. Tomorrow I buy. This could well just keep on creeping on....Chart is beautiful too.
    Poster: Deltatrader (STT Accuracy: 40% - Ranking No.10 ) (Mcap: $89.5m)

    PYM - Oil and gas exploration company [9/10/2014]
    With spudding expected to occur any day now on their Capitola Oil Project and some serious accumulating happening over the last 3 months, this stock is ready to rocket to levels that it was seeing at the start of this year which were between 3-4 times it's current price. The past share price is an indication of where this share can easily climb to. Good results from projects in the area indicate that the Capitola Oil Project will also have good results.
    Poster: Channan88 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $6.3m)

    PMY - Gold in columbia [8/10/2014]
    Nice announcement this morning outlining a pivotal drill programme (high grade gold in Columbia) for next few months - regular news flow from now till xmas which will include assays as they come to hand. First 8 holes all hit gold albeit only a 500m strike length, new drill will add to this i suspect. Solid and proven management/geological team and strategically well located near to port and infrastructure. Also expecting a big bounce in gold when balance returns to global markets - or reality sets in.
    Poster: Mits (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $13.6m)

    BML - Copper Nickel in Botwana [8/10/2014]
    Market cap 11m with 900k cash, market cap fully diluted 19m but conversion of options will bring 6.15m cash which means EV almost 12m. JV partner has been busy drilling since June 14 with three rigs on site. 21 holes have been completed so far, all hitting nickel. Out of 21, 13 has hit some massive zones of nickel. Few of the holes hit mineralisation zones of 30m or above. 286 samples from first 8 holes were submitted to labs in August, results well over due. Once the results have been received, news flow will be continuous. For the summary of the holes been completed so far, please refer to page 11 and 12 of Annual report
    Poster: Forrestfield© (STT Accuracy: 61% - Ranking No.3 ) (Mcap: $13.7m)

    SXT - Nickel, gold, zinc in WA
    $0.005 share $1 million market cap $200,000 cash I can sense a big pump to get the $0.0075 placement over the line... current price $0.005... shouldn’t be too hard given $1 million market cap, and Armada Capital needs to make it work to get their cookies Add all the big holders from this year taking placements at 3c to 6.5c... six to thirteen times current price, including the driller for recent nickel sulphide campaign. Quality nickel-gold-zinc project too
    Poster: Fibonarchery© (STT Accuracy: 50.3% - Ranking No.6 ) (Mcap: $0.6m)

    ZNC - Copper-Zinc-Gold-Silver [8/10/2014]
    Current Price .08c MC $8m Issues Shares 123m Cash 1.2m Zenith announced 4 high-priority resource extension targets at its Develin Creek Copper-Zinc-Gold-Silver Project, located in Queensland (51% owned, right to acquire 100% from ASX:FRY). A 10 – 15 hole RC drilling program has commenced to test these targets. It is anticipated that the drilling component of the program will take approximately 2- 3 weeks to complete and assay results should be available early November. Expect some position taking /speculation into the results period. Massive mineral Targets. I meant to tip this yesterday so I have already missed 14%
    Poster: Deltatrader (STT Accuracy: 40% - Ranking No.10 ) (Mcap: $8.9m)

    BNE - Biotech [7/10/2014]
    The SP got smashed recently when less than sparkling results came back from the much awaited Capthymone trials. However, BNE still have the BN006 results to come and that is a billion$ MARKETPLACE if they can get it happening. Savvy BNE MD Rob Towner has also said BNE are aggressively looking for new opportunities so i would not discount a left of centre ANNC. A solid base has formed at .012c and I would punt here on a surprise follow up to get the SP ticking up
    Poster: Deltatrader (STT Accuracy: 40% - Ranking No.10 ) (Mcap: $3.1m)

    QBL - Bauxite in QLD [6/10/2014]
    MC 10m - 2c Cash 4m. This is all about a scoping study for bauxite DSO. Assuming 4-5mt pa ? 10-20/t margin ? - that could be 50m-100m??? net profit pa. 30mt inferred, targets 300mt. They have said expecting to upgrade inferred status to indicated shortly. Close to port, at surface, low OPEX. It ran to 7c a few months ago, when the buzz was on blue sky exploration target of 300m, but cooled quickly when they had to withdraw speculative financial guidance. So they have now been doing the scoping study to look more thoroughly. If the scoping study affirms the original bullish claims, there is no reason that sentiment will not return. It offers massive blue sky in the truest sense, with the downside, that they can simply do further resource drilling to prove up. Scoping study is expected in the next few weeks. And within the original guidance of Sep-Oct
    Poster: Merlerredneck (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $8.6m)

    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    AON - Gold Copper in Australia [14/10/2014]
    Due to selling pressure, sp pushed down to 1.3c which is close to 52weeks low. A on bounced back from that level and gained almost 16% on close on Friday with good Volume. With drilling soon, it seems like a good STT trade
    Poster: Forrestfield© (STT Accuracy: 61% - Ranking No.3 ) (Mcap: $10.1m)

    ADJ - Australian-based Internet technology and marketing company [13/10/2014]
    Adslot Ltd (ADJ, formerly Webfirm Group Limited) is an Australian-based Internet technology and marketing company. ADJ provides its products and services for all global industries, with operations in Australia, the US and the UK, headquartered in Melbourne. The three principal activities are Trading technology, Services, and AdServing Summary Previous Close $0.115 52 Week High $0.170 52 Week Low $0.062 P/E Ratio - Important Note -- Sector Software & Services Market Cap $121 Million Sifted stock from watchlist showing a nice forty day bell curve found resistance above the 200 day average with a fifty day average above . Finished green on Friday showing distribution maybe completed now? Weekly the bell curve is much sharper and finding a green candle about where resistance should be and an underlying rising obv . Monthly the bell curve is replicated in two candles dominant green and red about where the handle of the cup is with an active obv squiggling on sharp rise and a larger cup handle pattern is seen although not perfect with a lower peak
    Poster: Valen1828 (STT Accuracy: 33.3% - Ranking No.13 ) (Mcap: $121.2m)

    DDD - Gold, copper, zinc [10/10/2014]
    1c $2.5 million cap $800,000 cash Director buying at 1.2c, 500,000 shares on market Solid buy stack, sparse sell stack Volume spike Making a base at $0.009 to $0.011
    Poster: Fibonarchery© (STT Accuracy: 50.3% - Ranking No.6 ) (Mcap: $2.3m)

    BML - Copper Nickel in Botwana [8/10/2014]
    BML has made almost 10 highs this year before retraced back to 1.8c. This has been a support level for almost 4months now. Support levels were hit twice but were able to hold these levels. With results due any day now, I think BML is ready to make some gains.
    Poster: Forrestfield© (STT Accuracy: 61% - Ranking No.3 ) (Mcap: $13.7m)

    SXT - Nickel, gold, zinc in WA [8/10/2014]
    $0.005 share $1 million market cap $200,000 cash Has reverse 80 bagged in quick time, from 40c - still has the same nickel-gold-zinc project which took them there OBV surging, volume spikes last two days in a row after a strong base at $0.003 to $0.006
    Poster: Fibonarchery© (STT Accuracy: 50.3% - Ranking No.6 ) (Mcap: $0.6m)
    Last edited by Freehold: 20/10/14
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