Stupid -- Yep - Import GAS !, page-126

  1. 87,054 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    the problem as I see it is different and deeper to the problem in our face.

    to me - is it a big deal that Australia has to buy gas because of a shortfall for domestic supply?

    well - yeah, kinda - if it had been managed well years back - there should have been no need.

    BUT, the biggest problem is - if one looks at the difference between Australia having to buy gas in because of a domestic shortage -

    and look at France, which has to at times buy electricity in because of domestic shortage -- (which pisses off the average Frog)

    is it the same problem/issue? ------------------- to me - NO, IT IS NOT.

    and here is the difference --

    Australia does NOT OWN it's gas which comes up out of the ground and is sold off to other places BY foreign companies

    France DOES own it's electricity generation system - and FRANCE sells power AND gets paid very much for it

    So, France jiggles between buying and selling --------- nowhere near the problem that Australia has

    for Australia - there's NO JIGGLE ---------- Australia just stands by and watches it's gas head off somewhere else - AND Australia gets almost nothing out of that - almost ZIP

    then, Australia is at the whim of the world gas prices to buy in what it needs

    France might be at the whim of the power prices when it buys - but, it's selling price balances that.

    So, Australia has a fail fail fail fail in it's gas energy -

    not only did it allow foreigners to own the gas industry ----------- it also didn't demand supply for it's own people and business supplies guaranteed - NOR did it set a price cap that those foreign owners would be held to to provide gas to Australia

    it's a woeful situation - fails at many government levels - and for a long time.

    just another example of a spectacular lack of vision of Australian politics - all levels, all parties
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