Hi KP,In a nutshell, that constitutes the 'real viral' spread....

  1. 8,582 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 909
    Hi KP,

    In a nutshell, that constitutes the 'real viral' spread. To be fair, the doctors have a lot to answer for - they are supposed to be educated, under an obligatory oath to provide the best care for their patients above and beyond any carrot dangling or coercion. If they caved, which many did, the patients followed suit as many trusted doctor's advice - even as knowledge was hidden or downplayed. Oddly, many still trust despite all and those with the will power to follow their instincts are the 'conspirators'?? rolleyes.png

    'Care for the fellow man' and 'Look out for your mate' - just hollow and shallow terms as even evidenced here and even more so if any videos from places like China and from elsewhere are viewed.

    Compassionate care and coercion do not have the conformity of a good mix. smile.png
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