From that point it was easy to inflame hatred of the Israeli...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 148
    From that point it was easy to inflame hatred of the Israeli Jews, many of whom were just trying to rebuild their lives after the horrors of the holocaust.

    A prominent Palestinian of the ww2 time said, "We are fighting an organized, educated, cunning, devious and evil people that has concentrated the world's wealth and power in its hands...We are fighting the forces that have prevailed over the entire world, we are fighting the power that buried Hitler and defeated Japan, we are fighting World Zionism that has Truman in its pay, enslaves Churchill and Attlee, and colonizes London, New York and Washington. " All total BS, but it makes a good story. Muhammed Nimr Khatrib was correct, they are educated and organized. They would have been wiped out before now if they were not.

    Another false narrative is that Israel was to be built on the ruins of Arab Palestine. Early efforts were made to live in peace with the Arabs, The Arabs chose to fight. To them it was a matter of National dignity. They may go down, but to them the only choice was victory or defeat. That was from comments from Abdel Hadi, a prominent politician then in 1937. He was warned by the head of the Jewish Agencies political department, Moshe Shertok, that he was leading his people to assured destruction, a warning that has been fully vindicated.
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