ok...but i did say it was an email........but here are some...

  1. 34,758 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    ok...but i did say it was an email........but here are some sources





    so just to clear up here is the article again just so everything is clear....

    Elements of Islamic sharia law should be legally recognised in Australia so that Muslims can live according to their faith, the President of the Australian Islamic Mission Zachariah Matthews claimed in a speech given at an open day at Lakemba Mosque recently. "Parts of sharia should be recognised as a secondary legal system in the same way that some traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law was recognised in the Northern Territory,'' Dr Matthews said. "It should be possible to have a multilayered legal system as long as it doesn't conflict with the existing system.''

    The comments shocked some attending the open day. They felt Dr Matthews was advocating the introduction of the penal system under which women have been stoned to death for adultery, and corporal punishment is meted out for some offences. ''It came as quite a shock to some non-Muslims in the crowd when sharia law and the idea of a parallel legal system was mentioned,'' one audience member said. But Dr Matthews said he was referring only to certain elements of family law and inheritance law and was not advocating the sharia penal system.

    ''I wasn't calling for the introduction of the full sharia system which calls for cutting off hands,'' he said. Dr Matthews said a clash occurred in some custody matters. ''Under sharia law, if a couple divorce and the mother remarries, her former husband has the right to decide whether the children will live with the new husband or not,'' Dr Matthews said. ''There is still a preference for the child to go with the mother, but the father has the ultimate decision. ''This does not exist in Australian law but I do not believe it clashes with Australian values or the Australian legal system.''
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