sudanese atrocities why??, page-3

  1. 7,334 Posts.
    your post highlights the reason that the U.N is by far the most evil political (oh yes it is political!)system ever devised.why????
    Because it has so rarely fulfiled the mission it was originally begun for, all the time operating under this diminishing 'respectability' as the ultimate judge all what right and wrong with the world.
    the final straw for me was seeing night after night on t.v the blue helmets of the u.n forces in sarajevo standing next to the sharpshooters shooting men women and children trying to getto their loved ones hit /dead or to water-for months , while the un did what it does best in these situations---have URGENT MEETINGS-for months and months.they excell at that, no one does it better.
    it was the us and britain who finally had a gutful--and DID SOMETHING!
    don't ever remember any moslem nations thanking the us+uk for saving bosnians----
    the un knew of rhawanda and will watch sudan 's atroticities--and have more -URGENT MEETINGS
    i has a girlfriend who worked for the un at geneva headquarters----she eventually left as the corruption and selfserving was too much.
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