JMS 0.00% 13.5¢ jupiter mines limited.

suggestion to jms minority share holder, page-10

  1. 15 Posts.
    FYI Red Rock sold around 40 million shares (or two thirds of its remaining holding in JMS) at around 7 cents on 1 July 2013, which appears to have been picked up by the Pallinghurst Consortium looking at volumes for that day...

    I recently came across an AFR article from 25 February 2013 where it was noted something of this nature was on the drawing board (JMS share price at that point was around 10 cents).

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14.0¢ 14.0¢ 13.5¢ $369.9K 2.682M

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79 8287660 13.5¢

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14.0¢ 282062 6
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