
  1. 7,334 Posts.
    The last taboo.
    I just don't get it.What is the big deal  ? People are killing themselves , slowly , surreptitiously , but  KNOWINGLY all the time .... in numbers exponentionally higher than the legal definition of -suicide-.
    Many drink themselves to death , many choose a life of great stress,( greed , fear etc ) many eat too much and the junk food addictions   etc etc etc, many don't even give their body the most minimal of exercise  to keep the body functioning  ........this is all suicide.
    Slower for sure , not at dramatic,not as HONEST, but let's face it is a choice to kill oneself  faster that it could have  been.

    If you don't have quality of life.......then what's wrong with exiting at your own  timing ?Nothing annoys me more than these do-gooders , who have no interest in your welfare while u are living , they don't want to know u , but as soon as you end this life on YOUR terms , or some org. wants to give old people DIGNITY  to die rather than in  nappies and drugaddled brains  in some nursing home , totally defenseless,  they get all excited and spring into action.!
    We only live for an infintesimal time anyway......So u made to 100.....big deal if u didn't have quality and choice on the way.

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