Forget last I have found this post from Veecat from the 19/9/14
I viewed the register yesterday:
Jiayn XU 259,200,000
Citicorp Nominees 60,589,001
Picton Cove P/L 4,000,000
Merril Lynch Nominees 2,000,000
Redbrook Nominees 2,000,000
Shan Shan Hung 1,730,598 (think initially acquired from float as first date was in November 2013)
CVC 3,000,000
Finetrade 7,855,955
Roclead 1,944,666
Fortunegrain 989,804
Opengold 2,224,740
HSBC Custody Nominees 2,537,482
ABN Amro Clearing Sydney 819,305
After 5 months those holding over 885,000 shares:
So Citicorp are down 60,589,001 to 50,498,655 Picton Cove are still @ 4,000,000.
Merril Lynch Nominees have gone maybe under 885k? Redbrook nominees have increased from 2,000,000 to 3,500,000.
Shan Shan Hung has gone maybe under 885k?
CVC - not sure? there is a CYC who have 1,124,356 Finetrade International have increased from 7,855,955 to 9,096,710 - Original Escrow!
Open gold have increased from 2,224,740 to 2,823,459 - Original Escrow!
HSBC Custody have increased from 2,537,482 to 2,707,482.
Quite a few Asian individual's and Aussie's as well have been added to the list over 885k holding up to 3,400,000.
So overall a couple of the original escrows have increased there holding after selling mid-year but the Citicorp guys are down 10 mil in the last 5 months.