Julia, Superwoman, takes on Universe-Her powers know no...

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    Julia, Superwoman, takes on Universe-

    Her powers know no boundaries!

    1/ Brandon Carter, astrophysicst - famous amongst fellow astrophysicists for his work on black holes, also for his theory on the "anthropic principle" This states that the world we see around us cannot be such that it forbids conscious beings.
    For example, (this theory states) our location in space is hardly typical. Most of the universe is either a vacuum or a tenous gas, yet we live on the surface of a solid planet. Most planets are very hot and cold, yet ours is equable. There is nothing mysterious about this, as the exstence of conscious biological organisms requires special circumstances, like a suitable planet at a suitable temperature. we could not have evolved anywhere very different. Also maybe our sun, or the Milky way galaxy, is in some way special (no observational evidence they are). If so, it'd be a reasonwe find ourselves living in this part of the universe, and not another.

    and the interesting bit:-

    2/ American astrophysicist Robert Dicke has
    pointed out that life as we know it REQUIRES certain key elements, such as CARBON, and it is unlikely that these existed right after the big bang. Carbon was not there in the beginning, but it is manufactured inside stars. The stars can disgorge their carbon into space in a number of ways, most obviously by super-nova explosions, so the carbon gets continually reycled into new generations of stars and planets. Dicke reasoned that it would take at least the time needed for one generation of stars to
    live and die before biological life could get started.

    (Note - Carbon = an essential element to the development of human life as we know it)

    - after a few stellar generations had elapsed, stars would start getting scarce, (Dicke's theory cocludes,) and equable planetary systems like the solar system would be a thing of the past. It follows that our existence at this epoch, (about two or three stellar generations into the great cosmic drama) is fairly typical - and no suprise.

    The above theories are discusse in an excellent book "About Time - Einstein's Unfinished Revolution" by Paul Davies. (Penguin)
    (An excellent read for the physics buffs amongst us).

    So Super Julia is determined to stop this vital life ingredient, carbon, and tax this life-giver, so necessary to human existence. Perhaps we could venture out and destroy the stars which are emitting it for our benefit next next?

    First rocket "destroy those stars) pilots - Windsor, Oakeshott,and Brown.
    Crew - all the others who've jumped onto her phony "you will give me the result that I want" bandwagon. Knowing it's a con - but taking the payments anyway. Although one scients saw the Con and opted out - more power to him.

    or venture to put a plug in the lastest North Hemisphere volcano - which is emitting huge carbon dioxide clouds in droves!

    Juila, after all, knows best when it comes to Universe mysteries and sciences.
    Her intellect knows no bounds. So all we can do is watch in wonderment and let her sort out our world for us.
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