Hello NickR, I see even You admit that Mr. Glen Stevens and the...

  1. 7,295 Posts.

    Hello NickR,
    I see even You admit that Mr. Glen Stevens and the RBA Board doesn't give a Rats about Individuals and Companies, therefore You should be also calling for his Termination.
    I understand how Mr. Howard and Mr. Keating thought the RBA should operate however this idea, or Dream, is failing because the RBA does not also have any input into A.P.R.A. and A.S.I.C. which is needed to avoid this present 'out of date' idea of using Interest Rates to limit Borrowing with the faint hope this could limit Inflation.
    Action is needed to keep this once great Country competive in World Trade. The High 'Aussie' Dollar from the stupid use of Interest Rates by Mr Glen Stevens and the RBA Board, is gravely affecting Australia's Export Position.

    A very concerned,

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