superanuation all but worthless., page-4

  1. 4,442 Posts.
    The Libs introduced the Future Fund for that very reason as I understand it.
    Wonder how long it wll last, or, how quickly it will be eroded by the recently invented nonsensical Carbon Enmission Reduction whatever, by Krudd and his cohorts?
    It's all WONG and the PENNY must drop soon before we are on a finacial collision course with the rest of the world!
    How embarrassing for this country are the pontificating antics of Dudd and his band of Keystone Cops.
    Talk about clutching at straws for the sake of political expediency and credibility!
    Krudd has dug a DEEEEEEP hole for his party with this one.
    He won't give in, in the face of overwhelming facts and scientific opinion to the contrary. It's what he stumbled into office on. Smoke and mirrors.
    This Govt, as past Labor Govts have demonstrated, is VERY dangerous.
    Desperate one termers maybe.
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