The evil i refer to is the system of preferential voting that...

  1. 506 Posts.

    The evil i refer to is the system of preferential voting that ensures one of the majors - Lib/Lab - always gets in. It is this system that leads to the level of incompetence and corruption in government that we witness today - esp. at the State level...but then we never hear about the repeated lies of our State comrades in the media, do we? Wanna know why...

    Has Howard lied over children being thrown overboard? Yes, re the specific occasion he mentioned if the statement of children being 'thrown' overboard is taken in a literal sense - as it was intended. No, when the statement is examined on its substance. Children have ended up in the water on numerous occassions just as a navy vessel is sighted. Is it just conincidence or a diliberate act, and does it place the lives of children at risk?

    Latham has been opposition leader for less than 12 months and has already told a major porky - that he does everything in the national interest. Are the absurd rents at Centenary House in the national interest, or in Labor's interest?

    Don't count on fair and honest reporting of the election campaign in the media. Howard's mistakes will be amplified, and Latham's fault will be ignored.

    Forgive me for my lack of judgement, but if my life were on the line, i would choose Howard over Latham.
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