Susan Rice Under Obama Spying on Trump, page-17

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    And now that the shoe is on the other foot you want to look at the information not the leaks! Lets look at both. So can we go back now and have an actual discussion about the information in the Podesta leaks rather than the no evidence claim that it was Russia. Russia Russia Russia rather than the information. Seth Rich was the leak. Its why he is dead. Since you want to focus on the information this time can we also focus on the information from Podesta leaks. No..... didn't think so. Hypocritical much.

    Now which information exposes the worst kind of crimes.
    Trump relationship with Russia still has zero evidence and even if their was??????? I fail to see the problem. We're not at war with Russia no matter how much the Democrats want you to believe we are. Would talking to the UK or France or Italy or Pakistan garner the same hysteria from the non critical thinkers.
    So what information exactly would you like to focus on. The 'zero evidence'. It is very difficult to focus on nothing.

    You want to focus on actual information and evidence go back to the ignored Podesta emails....... Mountains of evidence for all sorts of vile crimes.

    So pick. You want to focus on the leaks or the information. I say both. Look at the information in both instances if you don't want to be a hypocrite. Trump supporters don't mind you looking at the information because to this day no evidence. On the other hand Hilary supporters don't want to deal with the information and instead focus on surprise surprise Russian Hacking. Kettle pot comes to mind.

    Deal with the information.
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