Sussman Trial - the beginning of the exposure of the biggest scandal in US History. Crickets

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    Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI, His trial started this week.

    This was the "spark" that started the bullshyte story of Trump's connection to Russian Alpha Bank and then the bogus Steele Dossier, the lunacy that Russia and Trump colluded to steal the election and which then, resulted in the 2-year fiasco of the Mueller campaign.


    What have we found so far from the trial?

    1. Email from Sussman to Baker (chief FBI Counsel) clearly stating he was coming to see him as a private guy - not the lawyer for Clinton and provided the nonsense link between Trump and Alpha Bank
    (by the way, Baker had to leave the FBI as he is being investigated by Durham himself)

    Put a fork in him - he's done. Will he now trade his info for leniency? I bet not. He's rich, he'll get a slap and go back to the trough making more millions

    2. Next...Mook, Clinton's campaign manager, on Friday, testified Hillary personally approved of the dissemination of the bogus Trump-Russia Alfa-Bank accusations to the media.

    He then testified they gave the "information" to a reporter with senior campaign officials, including campaign chairman John Podesta, senior policy advisor, now White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

    Then Clinton's tweet

    Durham is laying the groundwork for the pieces of the puzzle

    Next, I BELEIVE we will see the evidence the FBI met with the creators of the Steele Dossier (3 DAY MEETING), the FBI's investigation of the veracity of the dossier which they found to be bogus and baseless BUT THEN...applied to the FISA COurt for 4 warrants to spy on the Trump campaign BASED on that debunked Dossier

    Comey, Director of the FBI signed off on it
    Clinton was aware of it all

    This is only beginning

    And this story...THE BIGGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL IN US getting almost zero coverage on the MSM or the press

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