swan lied to rudd about mining tax

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    Swan let Rudd down on MRRT: WA premier
    September 8, 2010 - 12:44PM


    Treasurer Wayne Swan misled former prime minister Kevin Rudd to believe a mining tax had been negotiated with miners and state governments, Western Australia's premier says.

    Colin Barnett, Australia's only Liberal premier, has been openly critical of the federal government's scrapped resource super profits tax (RSPT) and its successor, the mineral resources rent tax (MRRT).

    He said on Wednesday the MRRT was a "complete dog" of a proposal and the handling of it had been a shambles.
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    "Wayne Swan made a colossal mess of it and basically let Kevin Rudd down, in my view. I was there, I witnessed it first hand," Mr Barnett told Fairfax Radio.

    He said the proposal for a mining tax, which emerged from the Henry Tax Review in May, was first raised by Mr Rudd at the COAG meeting a month before.

    "To the extent you can judge body language, I had the clear impression Kevin Rudd believed that Wayne Swan and (Treasury Secretary) Ken Henry had negotiated this with the mining industry and with the state governments," Mr Barnett said.

    "When I said to then prime minister Kevin Rudd, `Well, I didn't support it and WA wouldn't go along with it,' he looked a little bit surprised.

    "In fact he thought that the states were about to hand their mining royalties and responsibilities for the administration of the mining industry to Canberra."

    With Labor now having formed a minority government with the help of the Greens, the premier said he expected the MRRT would not only be "pushed forward" but extended across other minerals.

    Under the MRRT, negotiated between the Julia Gillard-led government and three of Australia's biggest miners, only the coal and iron ore industries will be taxed.

    Mr Barnett said it was inconceivable that the Greens wouldn't push for the tax to cover all other minerals.

    "Can you imagine a government dependent on the Greens not imposing this tax on uranium for example?

    "Gold is at record prices. Nickel is coming back. I think the whole mining industry needs to be on notice."

    Mr Barnett said Greens Leader Bob Brown had already begun taking what he interpreted as an antagonistic approach to WA.

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