swan to be dumped?, page-2

  1. 14,681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    Before the next election,maybe now after 6 yrs of incompetence we should have a profile of WHO?,we are voting for.We should not just vote them in as they are not worst than those already in POWER.HOW do we know.i F WE ARE VOTING FOR A career politician,HOW WOULD THEY KNOW WHAT ANY SMALL OR BIG BUSINESS HURDLES THEY FACE.If they have NEVER been in private business enterprise-we should be WEARY.Not ever own a business,what would they know-as business employes the employees,quick someone tell them this.Swan has shown himself to be the COMPLETE GOOSE,saying their will be a surplus while knowing they we 15 billion in DEBT and growing in REVERSE.While never been in BUSINESS-they certainly have looked after THEMSELVES,while putting the country in HUGE DEBT,THEY DOUBLED THEIR wages and perks,with both sides agreeing to the INCREASE.So once again WHY do we need 3 TIERS OF GOVT,as 1 is incompetent ENOUGH!Be very WEARY OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER OWNED OR RUN A BUSINESS,AS THEY HAVE NEVER FACED THE HEAT-LIVED OF OTHERS(UNION OFFICIALS).
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