Sweden: hundreds of anti-Semites march, page-12

  1. 18,324 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    do you need help? this whole thread seems to be an opportunity for you to pursue blatantly sexist anti-semitic claptrap. Apart from wondering what happened to you to form such views I feel an enormous amount of pity for anyone who inhabits the mind that feeds this sort of stuff.

    So I am here as a proud woman of jewish heritage and I challenge you to whatever - just cos it seems appropriate.

    I don't much like modern israel because it never works to repay one form of violence and oppression with another - but i understand the drive for zionism when i read this sort of stuff. you and your ilk have fed it - clearly jews aren't safe anywhere and their attitude towards palestine is fed by centuries of persecution and fear.

    I don't much like men whose own own fear and lack of self esteem mean that they must cover it up with macho, self serving control of women, or who denigrate women for not merely doing the bidding of men, (Though i rather like those whose sense of self is sufficiently robust they can find a way to navigate the challenges of being a man and having a relationship with a woman, the attitudes you express are utterly tragic)

    Do you wonder why women want self determination? it's all in your posts.

    ps i can give you the name of some trauma therapists who might help you.
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