Sweden's Deputy PM labels 9/11 "accidents"

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    Sweden’s Deputy PM Describes 9/11 Attacks as 'Accidents'

    Leaders like her are why Europe is falling to Islam.



    Mark Tapson


    Brace yourself for a breathtaking example of European leftist moral relativism. The Daily Mail reports that Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister Åsa Romson has called the September 11, 2001 terror attacks at the Twin Towers "accidents."
    Romson, 44, made the outrageous comment during an interview on Tuesday about the recent resignation of Sweden's Minister for Housing Mehmet Kaplan, after he compared Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi persecution of Jews.
    Romson, one of two leaders of the Swedish Green Party, has been Minister for the Environment and Deputy Prime Minister since her party was elected to govern in a coalition with the Social Democrats in 2014. She commended Kaplan, also from the Green Party, on his work with young Muslims during "tough situations like at the 11 September accidents."
    Yes, because tough situations like Islamic terror attacks certainly make things difficult for young Muslims.
    Social media networks exploded with criticism and demands for her resignation, but she defended her comment, saying: "The 'accident' [of 9/11] is that we ended up with a very harsh debate on integration and how society grows with different religions side by side, and the discrimination that followed."
    For European elites, the dangers of violent jihad are nothing compared to the tragic discrimination faced by poor, innocent Muslims from ugly Islamophobes.
    This is only the most recent controversial comment from what the Daily Mail calls "the gaffe-prone" Swedish Deputy Prime Minister. Hours after the Islamic terror attacks in Paris on November 13, in which 130 people were killed and 352 injured by ISIS terrorists, Romson tweeted: "The very serious events in Paris right now can obstruct the climate change summit in December when more than 100 heads of state have planned on taking part."
    Right. How dare those victims of the jihad ravaging Europe's capitals distract from a conference of virtue-signaling from European elites about the chimera of "climate change"?
    Last May, Romson faced criticism after comparing the European migration crisis to World War II Nazi death camps. Speaking during a live party leader debate, Romson said, "We are turning the Mediterranean into the new Auschwitz."
    There is some truth to that, although not in the way Romson meant. By facilitating the Islamization of Europe, in part through their importation of millions of so-called refugees from Muslim territories, multiculturalist elites like Romson are indeed dragging the Mediterranean - in fact, all of Europe - toward a new Auschwitz. But it won't be Muslims who are the victims.

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