Why does such a vast proportion of the Jews devote their entire...

  1. 89 Posts.
    Why does such a vast proportion of the Jews devote their entire energies to
    the criminal red ship-wrecking operation against the millions of non-Jews,
    most of whom have never done anything to injure Jews?

    Unless we understand why so many of these people are doing what they do, it
    will be impossible to out-maneuver and out-think them.

    At first blush, what many Jews are doing seems pure, unadulterated insanity.

    One of the commonest and most virulent forms of insanity is called
    "paranoia". Its symptoms are delusions of grandeur and delusions of

    The guy in the booby hatch who thinks he is Napoleon is a "paranoiac." He
    suffers from "delusions of grandeur." Almost always he will be found to
    suffer from a parallel delusion that everybody is plotting against him,
    hates him and is trying to hurt him. Since they don't recognize that he IS
    "Napoleon" (or God, or Jesus or whatever the nut imagines himself to be),
    "they are out to get" him. He talks darkly of the "radio waves" they have
    "beamed" at him to "control" his mind, and he is absolutely sure that he is
    unjustly persecuted.

    Whenever we find an individual preoccupied with the idea of his own supreme
    importance, and always talking of how everybody hates and persecutes him,
    we may justly suspect the poor fellow of being afflicted with the mental
    illness of paranoia.

    When we examine the nature of the Jewish "religion", we find it almost
    totally preoccupied with precisely these delusions.

    The Jews have been howling across the ages that they are God's "Chosen"
    people, superior to all others, and destined by divine right to plant their
    feet on the necks of all other people. (See Exodus, Genesis, and especially
    Deuteronomy.) And because other peoples have not been willing to allow
    these "Chosen" Jews to stand on their necks, and have always kicked the
    Jews out or killed them when the Jews managed by manipulations to grab most
    of the wealth and power in their host nations, the Jews have howled even
    louder, down through the centuries, that they are "PERSECUTED", "hated" and
    made "scapegoats". They themselves are always guiltless, lovable and the
    very models of righteousness.

    In other words, the Jews have actually made a religion out of PARANOIA. And
    anybody who doubts the Jewish claims of persecution and "chosen" status is
    proclaimed as INSANE, by the Jews!!!

    Viewed objectively, it is utterly incredible that these Jews, openly and
    arrogantly FLAUNTING their own paranoiac delusions of being "Chosen People"
    and being unjustly "persecuted," could get so much of the world brainwashed
    into believing that anybody who dares mention these facts about the Jews is
    "crazy" and - yes, even PARANOIAC that's the very diagnosis the Jewish
    "psychiatrists" make of anybody who takes a realistic view of Jewish paranoia!

    But paranoia is not the only reason for the otherwise inexplicable actions
    of the Jews - actions which, for four thousand years, have ALWAYS gotten
    them expelled, murdered and hounded out of every country they have
    infested, because of Jewish ACTIONS.

    Observe the pattern of Jewish activity wherever they go.

    Jews are welcomed to one country after the other. Then they proceed to use
    any and all methods, from swindling to violence, to rob and impoverish
    their non-Jewish hosts. They use their wealth to gain control of press,
    education, etc., to brainwash their hosts into giving them positions as
    behind-the-scenes overlords of national leaders; but at the same time, they
    prepare revolutions to create anarchy and upheaval, during which they use
    force and violence to seize ALL power and wealth. And the end results of
    their revolutions are always that they set up crazy, non-productive,
    Marxist states which cannot survive without enormous transfusions of money
    and goods from non-Communist (productive) states and peoples. (As witness
    Israel, which exists largely on German "reparations" and American largesse
    and Soviet Russia, which is always rescued by U. S. wheat, money and "AID".)

    This has been going on for at least three thousand years that we know of.
    The Jews have done this (as an historical fact) in Greece, Persia, Rome,
    Spain, England, Portugal, and a dozen other kingdoms, and were then
    expelled or murdered for their parasitic operations against their hosts,
    for living without producing.

    And there lies the first part of the answer to why Jews act the way they do.

    A huge proportion of Jews just plain doesn't like to do hard WORK.

    >From time immemorial, they have sought ways to avoid producing what they
    need to exist.

    With every other people in the history of the world, LAND - actual
    territory - has been the fundamental on which the people's existence has
    depended. You cannot imagine a France, an
    England, an Egypt, a United States, a China, a Japan, an Italy, a Sweden or
    any other nation without land from which the nation earns its living and
    which, in a spiritual sense IS the nation.

    Yet there is one nation, which has lived for almost two thousand years
    WITHOUT a foot of soil on which to earn a living - the Jewish nation. How
    low did they do it?

    The answer is that the Jews have always used other PEOPLE as other people
    used LAND.

    It may be objected that the Jews were EJECTED from their land and had no
    choice. But literally hundreds and hundreds of other people have also been
    ejected from their lands, and have either perished or - more often - have
    proceeded to CONQUER some people someplace and regained some land from
    which to earn a living.

    Instead of doing as all other people and finding or getting some land from
    which to earn their living, when they were ejected, the Jews made a
    different adaptation; they simply learned to live off of other people, who,
    in turn, earned the living from the land.

    And over the centuries, the Jews have in-bred to become socialized and
    highly adapted to this, and
    ONLY THIS way of life. Whoever heard of large numbers of Jewish farmers,
    Jewish cowboys, and Jewish pioneers? Jews never arrive in a country in
    large numbers until it is SETTLED and PRODUCING. And then the Jews do not
    go into the country to get land and till the soil, like most other people
    in a new country; instead they settle in the towns, villages and cities, as
    soon as they are built, and become traders and merchants, or operators of
    saloons, etc.

    Among forms of life, this way of life is called "parasitism" - taking a
    living from a host without working.

    There are many animals and plants with exactly the same characteristic:
    tape worms, ivy, suckerfish, etc.

    In order to be a successful parasite, a plant or animal must find a way to
    get its food and protection from its host over an extended period of time,
    which usually means that it must find a way of anaesthetizing its host to
    what it is doing; it must do its stealing of food and shelter in some
    relatively painless way so that, at first, the host is not aware of the
    robbery going on, and tolerates the sucking up of its own nourishment.

    You can't FEEL a tapeworm. You just miss your food. You get weaker and
    weaker and finally die, as the worm sucks up all the nourishment.

    And there's the paradox of the parasite: the more successful he is, the
    quicker he kills off his host, and therefore the quicker the parasite dies

    This is precisely what an overdose of Jews does to a nation (and to the Jews).

    They slip in unobtrusively as peddlers and "intellectuals," then gradually
    begin eating away at the hard-working host, devouring more and more
    rapaciously, always covering up their blood-sucking with the most plausible
    and high-sounding phrases about "brotherhood" even while they are slipping
    the "hood" over the "brother."

    I doubt that more than one Jew in a million realizes that is what he is
    doing, with his high-pressure merchandising, his hyper-intellectualism, and
    his dishonest speculations. But the RESULTS are eventually catastrophic for
    both him and his host.

    After sufficient time, although you still may not FEEL a tape worm, you
    know for damned sure that SOMETHING is wrong, and you begin to search
    desperately for the source of the agony. Sooner or later, when you realize
    the worm is in there eating out your insides, you physic him out with the
    utmost ruthlessness, and pleasure at his passing.

    The endless anti-Jewish "pogroms" of history have been the purging of a
    deadly tapeworm in the agonized bodies of the people attacked by Jewish

    And always, the spores of the worm passed out by one people quickly find
    their way into the bodies of new and unsuspecting host peoples to begin the
    same old act of growing and eating out the host once again.

    In case it seems too incredible and vile to the reader that there should be
    HUMAN parasites, let me present, from the works of the Jews themselves,
    their OWN official description of the process.

    The earliest and most complete record of Jewish methods can be found in
    almost any home in America, right under the noses of the non-Jews, who have
    actually been taught to worship the very parasites that are eating them alive.

    In the Old Testament, we can read the story of a typical Jewish operation
    in any nation they invade.
    Jews almost always come to a new nation as hapless "refugees", or prisoners
    and slaves (having had "difficulties" with their previous hosts).

    So it was in ancient Egypt.

    A Jew named Joseph was out tending sheep. His brothers were at first going
    to kill him for his "coat-of-many-colors" and threw him into a pit.
    (Genesis, 37) But then some Midianjte slave traders happened along and we
    learn in verses 26 and 27 that these Jews decided it was wasteful just to
    kill their brother, when they could SELL him for a profit.

    So his own Jewish brothers sold Joseph as a slave for twenty pieces of
    silver, and Joseph wound up an Egyptian slave.

    In Genesis 39:6, we find Joseph doing such a good job of running an
    Egyptian household as a slave that the master makes him the "overseer." In
    verse 6, the Jewish slave has become so indispensable to the Egyptian
    master that Joseph is made the boss of the entire Egyptian household.

    But Joseph gets in difficulty with the Egyptian's wife. She claims he tried
    to rape her. Joseph claims, innocently, that she tried to rape him. (Gen.
    39: 12)

    Joseph is tossed into prison, where he repeats the pattern: he becomes so
    invaluable to the prison administration with his clever business
    suggestions that he becomes boss of the prison!! (Gen. 39:22)

    In this choice spot, he becomes a confidant of Pharaoh's butler, who is in
    jail. Joseph cleverly interprets dreams for him.

    Pharaoh later reinstates his butler, and has a dream he can't interpret.
    The butler suggests Joseph.
    Pharaoh has Joseph brought before him, and tells Joseph about seven fat
    beeves, and seven thin ones. The wily Jew tells Pharaoh this means Egypt
    will have seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. (For centuries,
    in the Nile valley, there were huge floods and then periods of drought, so
    that "lean years" were absolutely certain to follow "fat" years, and vice

    But young Pharaoh is so impressed with Joseph that he asks Joseph what to
    do about it. The clever Hebrew replies that Pharaoh must find a man smart
    enough to gather up huge stores of Egyptian grain during the next seven
    years. "Surprisingly" enough, Pharaoh picks Joseph as that man, and, in
    Chapter 41, verse 30 of Genesis, Pharaoh turns all Egypt over to his new
    Jewish "friend." Joseph becomes the "Bernard Baruch" of Egypt, with Pharaoh
    ordering, "Without thee no man shall lift up his hand or foot in all the
    land of Egypt."

    Joseph duly gathers up and stores the grain produced by Egyptian labor, in
    vast amounts.

    When Egypt is drought-stricken, and the Egyptians are starving for food,
    Joseph begins to sell their own grain back to the Egyptians. (Gen. 41:56)

    The same rotten Jews who sold Joseph into slavery now come over from Canaan
    to buy some Egyptian grain. Joseph, who is selling the grain to the
    Egyptians, gives grain to his fellow Jews. In fact, he gives the Jews a
    double order of grain on their second trip, and Egyptian gold in the bags
    to boot! (Gen. 44:1) Then he kicks all the Egyptians out of his office, and
    tells his Jewish brothers to bring all the Jews over to live free off
    Egyptian grain. (Gen. 45: 1, 10, 11)

    Meanwhile, Joseph is selling back their own grain to the Egyptian farmers
    who produced it. The king is tickled to death, as the treasury bulges. So
    Joseph tells the king his brothers and families are on the way, and the
    king promises Joseph that the Jews will live on "the fat of the land".
    (Gen. 45:18)

    >From the money being paid by the Egyptian farmers to buy their own grain
    back, Joseph gives all the Jews wagons, equipment, furniture, and doles out
    300 pieces of Egyptian silver to all these Jews! (Gen. 45:16, 22)

    Next, Genesis 46 describes how a whole ARMY of Jews moves into Egypt, with
    who "begat" who and all the children and "children's' children," etc.
    Joseph tells his fellow Jews to lie to the king that they are not shepherds
    (which he knows might aggravate the king). Instead, the Jews all get free
    Egyptian cattle and land, the best in Egypt. Gen. 46:34) Not one of these
    Jews has done a lick of work to produce the wealth they are grabbing. (A
    familiar parasitic pattern)

    Genesis 47, verse 14 reveals that Joseph, Egypt's Jewish boss, has
    "gathered. up all the money" of the Egyptians, selling them grain.

    As a result, in verse 15, we discover that the "money of Egypt fails !"

    A depression?

    The starving Egyptians plead with Joseph to let them have a little grain
    because their money is all gone. Joseph tells them, in typical hockshop,
    Jewish style, that they still have their cattle! So the Jew takes the
    Egyptian farmers' cattle! (Gen. 47:16)

    The next year, the starving Egyptians again beg for grain. But the Jewish
    keeper of the granaries (filled by Egyptian work) tells them that they will
    have to give up their land, too! To survive, the people have to give this
    Jew their land in the name of the Pharaoh (verse 20). Joseph then puts them
    all into "concentration areas" - cities, taking them off their own land!
    (Verse 21) When the Egyptians are finally reduced to utter despair,
    starving, without their money, without their land and without their cattle,
    Joseph puts them back on their own land as SHARE-CROPPERS, at 2O% profit!
    (Verse 24)

    Understandably, since Joseph is running the affairs of the Egyptians, the
    Egyptians are poor, working like slaves and hungry.

    But, meanwhile, the hordes of Jews he has brought in are getting "rich and
    fat" (verse 27) living off the "fat of the land" - WITHOUT WORK!

    Sound familiar?

    After 80 years of this process, the Jews have almost everything and the
    Egyptians are all slaving for the Jews! (The story doesn't mention what the
    Egyptians think of the arrangement, but it isn't hard to imagine.)

    In the Jews' own book of Exodus, we next find Joseph dying, and the
    Egyptians trying to find some way of getting the Jews off their backs. In
    Exodus I, there are some verses worth repeating whole:
    "7. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and
    multiplied, and waxed exceedingly mighty, and the land was filled with them.
    "8. Now there rose up a king who knew not Joseph. (An 'anti-semite,' no
    "9. And he said unto his people 'Behold, the people of the children of
    Israel are more and mightier than we! (Take a look at New York City, Los
    Angeles, etc.!)
    "10. 'Come on, let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply, lest it
    come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our
    enemies..' " (As traitors, spies)
    (Remember the Rosenbergs, Sobels, Greenglasses, Golds, Moskowitz's,
    Silvermasters, etc., etc., etc., who "joined also unto our (Communist)

    Observe here the classic pattern.

    The Jew arrives in rags and tatters and terrible misery because of the
    actions of his own people. (Not Gentiles, but his own Jewish brothers sold
    Joseph into slavery.)

    The host people are relatively easy-going, and soon recognize the
    undeniable clever business manipulations of the Jew. (Joseph becomes boss
    of the household where he was a slave.)

    The Jew begins to push. (Joseph is accused of getting "fresh" with the wife
    of his master, who sends him to jail.)

    In spite of adversity however (jail), the Jew prospers because of the same
    old Jewish ability to manage and manipulate. (Joseph becomes boss of the

    Using his wits, the Jew reaches the highest positions of Power. (Joseph
    becomes the "executive officer" under Pharaoh, and actually runs Egypt).

    Abusing every leverage of the high office of power, the Jew begins to
    gather up not just money and power, but all the money and all the power
    that he turns over to more and more Jews. He becomes so greedy and
    rapacious that he smashes the whole economy. (Joseph grabs up so much money
    from the Egyptians that "money fails.")

    In the following "depression" the Jew gathers up all the material wealth
    and the land. (Joseph did exactly this, giving his fellow Jews the "fat of
    the land.")

    Once the Jew owns and controls everything, he proceeds to make financial
    slaves out of the native population. (Joseph sent the farmers back to their
    own land as sharecroppers, producing 20% profit!)

    Inevitably, this process produces such a horror of Jewish power and wealth
    and such misery for the native population, that the host people become
    "anti-semites" and the Jews begin to look around for another country to
    which they can flee. THEY BECOME SPIES, etc. (The king of Egypt warns his
    people that the Jews are more powerful than the Egyptians in their own
    land, and that the Jews are likely to be traitors. He first tries to make
    the Jews work as slaves.)

    The next and last step is for the native population to try to hold the Jews
    back somehow. (The king orders infanticide for all newborn male Jews.) When
    these less radical methods won't work, the native populations rise up and
    either kill the Jews or drive them out. (Moses led the Jews out of Egypt
    only yards ahead of the king's armies.)

    That Jewish pattern was established in writing more than four thousand
    years ago - by the Jews themselves. You can check every word of it in any

    Basically, it hasn't changed.

    Always the Jew arrives, as in America, as a tattered "refugee" and is
    welcomed and assisted by kindly host peoples. The Jew then begins his usual
    climb up the back of
    the host people, using any and all methods, even cooperation with his
    murderous Marxist brothers, until finally the Jews are "exceedingly mighty"
    and "abundant" in the land, and the host people are paying huge taxes and
    fees to the Jews to live in their own lands. The Jews sooner or later smash
    the economy entirely, and wind up owning the very land, making wage-slaves
    out of the masses of the people, while they slyly ingratiate themselves
    with the last few non-Jews with power and money.

    Ask yourself: did the Egyptians unfairly "persecute" the Jews?

    According to the Jews' own account of things in Genesis and Exodus, the
    Egyptians did absolutely nothing against Joseph and the Jews. Quite the
    opposite, the Egyptians made Joseph "ruler over all Egypt," and gave his
    great multitude of fellow Jews the "best" land in Egypt, free cattle, free
    grain, and endless advantages. The Egyptians couldn't possibly have done
    more for Joseph and the Jews.

    In return, when the Egyptians are hungry and starving because of a terrible
    drought, there is no "sweet charity" from these Jews. No. Joseph demands
    first all their money, ruins their economy, then grabs all their cattle,
    and finally all their land itself!!!

    While he gives the Jews the "fat of the land," he moves the native people
    off the land into cities where they are beggars, and then "permits" them
    back on their own land as sharecroppers, at 20% profit.

    Would you tolerate a guest, to whom you gave the best room in your home,
    who took all your money, all your furniture and finally your home itself,
    all because you came upon hard times and would you then let your "guest"
    move you back into your own basement as janitor while he lives like a king
    without working?

    Once it is understood that the Jews have inherited a most peculiar trait -
    parasitism - a trait found in no other people, no matter how primitive, it
    will be easier to understand why they are what they are, and why they act
    as they do.

    All the screams of "anti-Semitism," all the howls about "persecution," all
    the propaganda about the "Chosen People" - and all the whole hell-raising
    history of the Jews will be found to go back again and again to the nature
    of the Jew to keep trying to live without working, to consume without

    And the need to try to keep his hosts anesthetized - unaware of the source
    of the misery caused by Jewish parasitism - has forced the Jew to develop a
    whole flock of secondary characteristics which are often more soundly hated
    than the parasitism which is the basic cause of the trouble.

    The first of these characteristics is his ability to lie.

    Almost every great man, from Christ to Schopenhauer, has damned these
    people as LIARS, "the great masters of the lie," and a hundred other ways
    of saying the same thing. Hitler says a Jew tells the truth only to be able
    to tell a greater lie later.

    In order to hide the fact that they have become a special breed of humanity
    (i.e., parasitic), they have developed the monstrous lie that they are
    ''only a religion." Their Jewish appearance is loudly denied, their Jewish
    characteristics are denied, their Jewish operations and depredations are
    denied, while those who mention these things are attacked by every Jew in
    creation as a "hater," an "anti-Semite," etc.

    And in order to rationalize to themselves this miserable trait of living by
    manipulations off of those who do produce, the Jew invented the despicable
    myth of being the "Chosen People." He has granted himself a special license
    from Heaven to be a gold-brick down the centuries.

    A father who "chooses" one of his children for favoritism, and then
    withholds the same love and "choosing" from other children he has brought
    into this world is a cheat and a scoundrel. Yet the Jews would have us
    believe the Almighty does exactly this! It is monstrous!

    Once they adopted the parasitic way of life, the early tribes of Jews were
    forced to rationalize that such inhuman injustice and criminal bloodsucking
    was "ordained" by God.

    The whole Old Testament abounds with their ringing statements of how they
    will "put their feet on the necks of all other people," how they will have
    in their greedy hands all the gold and wealth of the earth and make slaves
    of all other people the dream of human tape worms!

    I have no doubt that, if a tapeworm could talk, it would groan "Oy, why
    does everybody hate me and persecute me?"

    Combining this "chosen" rationalization for parasitism, with a fanatical
    love of themselves and resulting unity, they in-bred, century after century.

    And this inbreeding produced the special, recognizable breed of the fat,
    greasy-looking, rapacious Jew, typified by the appearance of convicted mail
    swindler Harry Golden better than anything I could put in

    Along with the bad characteristics of parasitism, the Jews were also forced
    to produce something in which they have excelled the rest of us - a purely
    materialistic and superficial cunning.

    There are, of course, stupid Jews. But the AVERAGE Jew exceeds the AVERAGE
    Gentile in superb mental slyness and sharpness. He HAS to. The average
    Gentile is a man of force and courage.

    Whenever he discovers what the Jew is up to, how the Jew is conning him out
    of his hard-won production without working, the Gentile resorts to naked
    force to put an end to the depredations of the human tape worm. To avoid
    this violent end, the Jew has to "live by his wits."

    So the Jew has developed a good set of "wits."

    What the Jews palm off on the world as their "religion" is the codified
    essence of these Jewish "wits," the rules for living like a parasite off
    the sweat of their hosts, for grabbing the Gentile women for Jewish
    pleasure, and Gentile men to labor for the Jews, all while getting their
    victims to worship them as a "holy" people!

    Does that sound wild, extreme - even wicked and vicious?

    I must confess that it does.

    But the evidence that every word of it is true exists in the Jews' own
    words. Here is a direct quote from the correspondence of Karl Marx with
    another Jew, Baruch Levy, quoted in "La Revue de Paris," June 1, 1928, page

    "In the new organization of mankind, the children of Israel will spread
    over the whole surface of the earth and will become everywhere, without
    opposition, the leading element, especially if they can impose upon working
    classes the firm control of some of them. The governments of the nations
    forming the Universal Republic will pass without effort into the hands of
    the Jews under the cover of the victory of the proletariat, private
    property will then be suppressed by the rulers of Jewish race, who will
    everywhere control public funds. Thus will be realized the Talmudic promise
    that, when come the times of the Messiah, Jews will possess the wealth of
    all peoples of the world."

    Even more convincing is the original source for the rules the Jews worship
    as their "Bible," the Talmud. This enormous set of rules for using and
    abusing the "stupid Goyim" - cattle, as they call us - contains more filth
    and hate than any other book on earth. Judge for yourself! Just read some
    samples from this Jewish holy book - the basis of the Jewish "religion":

    At the time of the Cholhamoed the transaction of any kind of business is
    forbidden. But it is permitted to practice usury on the Gentile, because
    the practice of usury on a Gentile at any time pleases the Lord.
    Schulchan Aruch, Orah
    Chaim, 529
    On the Haman-holiday all Jews must say prayers of thanks, called Arud
    Haman, in which it says: "Cursed be Haman and all Gentiles, blessed be
    Mardochaeus and all Jews.
    Schulchan Aruch, Orab
    Chaim, 690

    The Kadish-prayer shall only be given when ten Jews are together and they
    must be together in a way that no unclean thing separates them, as, for
    example, excrements or a Gentile.
    Schulchan Aruch, Orah
    Chaim, 55, 20

    Jews are human beings; the other people of the world are not human beings,
    but beasts.
    Baba Mezia

    All non-Jewesses are whores.
    Eben Haezar

    A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat, and perjure himself; but he must take
    care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer.
    Schulehan Aruch, Jore Deah

    A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.

    Aboda Shara 37a

    Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

    Zohar II 43a

    Even the best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed.

    Abodan Zarah 2Gb

    The best of the Christians must be strangulated.
    Rasoni, Exodus 14

    Every goy who studies the Talmud, and every Jew who helps him in it should

    Sanhedrin 59a

    The Jews were created to be served by non-Jews. The latter must plow, sow,
    weed, dig, mow, bind, sieve and grind. The Jews are created to find all
    this in readiness.

    A woman who had intercourse with a beast (i.e., a dog) is eligible to marry
    a priest.
    Yebamoth 59b

    Israel is like the lady of the house to whom her husband brings the money.
    Thus Israel is without the burden of labor and receives the money from the
    people of the world.
    Jalkut Schim., 75, 2

    And he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be
    valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, "Every vow
    which I may make in the future shall be null." His VOWS are then invalid.
    (Kol Nidre)
    Nedarim 23b

    God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations.

    Seph. Jp., 92, 1

    Regarding any Gentile claims to property rights, their possessions are
    "like unclaimed land in the desert."
    Baba Bathra, 54h

    It is always a meritorious deed for a Jew to get hold of a Gentile's

    Schulchan Aruch

    When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same
    Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall
    be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to
    no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.
    Schulehan Aruch, Choschem
    Hamischpath, 156

    It is not permitted to rob a brother, but it is permitted to rob a non-Jew,
    for it is written (Leviticus XIX, 13) "Thou shalt not rob thy neighbor."
    But these words, said Jehovah, do not apply to a goy who is not thy brother.
    Baba Mezia, 61a

    A Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian. The name of God is not
    profaned when lying to Christians.
    Baba Kama, 113a, 113b

    Being a gross materialist in love with himself and his gold, and having his
    whole nature depend on getting rather than ever giving (exactly like the
    tape worm), the average Jew has a hard time being physically "courageous."
    He can't see any point in sacrificing himself since, once he is dead, he
    sees no gain. (Can you imagine a "courageous tape worm?")

    Above all, the Jew realizes that his only hope of survival is the utmost
    effort to keep his hosts from ever realizing what he is doing. Once the
    host realizes he has a tapeworm, the castor oil is inevitable, and all the
    Jew's cleverness, lies and ability to disguise himself as a religion are
    useless. Out he goes into the sewer!

    So the Jew becomes the world's absolute champion in the art of being a
    chameleon. In America, he is the original MODEL of the American, devouring
    apple-pies, yelling at the umpire at ball games and even joining the
    Unitarian church to parade around in the suburbs like the Goy on Sunday. In
    England, he becomes "royalty", with a title and the rank of "knight" or
    "duke". In Spain he hollers "Ole!" at the bullfight and becomes a "Don". In
    pre-World War II, some Jews even tried to be "Nazis". But underneath, the
    Jew is still there, and when the crisis arrives, the Jew will out. He is a
    Jew first, - then an "American" or a Spaniard.

    The first Jewish justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, Louis D. Brandeis, in
    his book, "Zionism", pages 113 and 114 set down the real truth of the
    Jewish business for the eyes of his brother Jews when he wrote, "Let us
    recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of Which every Jew,
    whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a

    "Organize, organize, organize, until every Jew must stand up and be counted
    - counted with us, or prove himself, wittingly or unwittingly, of the few
    who are against their own people."

    Perhaps the most famous Jewish rabbi in America, Rabbi Stephen Wise, put it
    even more clearly in a quotation in the New York Herald Tribune, June 13,

    "I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith. I am a JE\V. I am an
    American. I have been an American for sixty-three sixty-fourths of my life,
    but I have been a Jew for 4,000 years. Hitler was right in one thing. He
    calls the Jewish people a race, and we are a race." From the New York
    "Herald-Tribune," June 13, 1938.

    The Jew also has different "skins" into and out of which he can crawl as
    the occasion demands, much like the snake.

    The Jew is merely a "religious" group, whenever you begin to notice the
    devilish number of Jews who are selling us out to communism. "These people,
    like the Rosenbergs", - are not "Jews anymore", explains the clever
    Anti-Defamation League Jew, slyly, "because a Jew believes in God, while
    Commies are atheists. Therefore, the Rosenbergs were NOT Jews!"

    But when it comes to Jewish crooks from all over the world escaping into
    Israel, they have a thing called the "law of the return", under which any
    person with a Jewish MOTHER is a JEW, - by their own definition. Thus, when
    convicted communist spy Robert Soblen jumped $100,000 bail put up by Jewess
    Buttonweiser, and slipped into Israel, he would have been welcomed, and
    indeed WAS welcomed by a vast segment of the population, until there was
    such a hue and cry over his being sheltered by Israel that it was hurting
    Jewish "public relations" and they reluctantly turned him over to the USA.
    However, this produced a near civil war; because most plain Israelis felt
    that the government had betrayed the "law of return", for this COMMUNIST
    Jew spy.

    Then there is the third Jewish "skin" of nationality.

    The Jews are the chief promoters of the doctrine of the separation of
    Church and State, agitating successfully all over America to have Christian
    prayers banned from schools, Christmas celebrations stopped, etc. BUT THEY

    Even while damning the idea of any connection between religion and
    statehood for others, they run the most intolerant, fanatic religious state
    yet seen on the planet. You can't even get married in Israel, - unless you
    are a JEW.

    But whenever this Jewish religion is called into account, they quickly slip
    into the "Zionist" skin, and become innocent, patriotic "nationalists"!

    >From the racial "skin" to the religious "skin" to the nationalist "skin" is
    but the work of a few moments to Jews around the world, and they change
    back and forth, depending on whether they are in America, where they are a
    religious group, or Russia, where they are a race, - or Israel, where they
    instantly become fanatic "nationalists".

    Whenever you try to pin one of these Jews down on just what they ARE, - you
    will find the argument very much like trying to grab up a handful of slime,
    - as fast as you close your fist around it, - it oozes out between your
    fingers and is right back where it was. Attack them as a race - they are a
    religion. Attack them as a religion, -they are a "people," - and a "holy"
    people at that. Attack them as a people, and they are a religion again,
    until that becomes impossible or uncomfortable, in which case they take
    refuge as a persecuted race.

    Call them a race, (as they do themselves), and they will accuse you of
    being a "bigot". Call them only a "religion", and therefore deny them
    nationhood, and hear them holler how they are the "people of the book" with
    the "right" to seize Israel from the Arabs for their "nation". Call them a
    nation and therefore susceptible to the same responsibilities as any other
    nation, - and right away they are a religion again and you are persecuting

    With all these disguises and frauds, they rely, from day to day, more than
    anything else on old-fashioned NAME CHANGING.

    If all Jews went by their real names, the nation would puke in unison to
    see how its whole cultural life was JEWISH; it would take up arms against
    the Jews in POWER, it would stop watching the Jewish TV and reading Jewish
    newspapers, etc. - so these clever Hebrews take old Anglo-Saxon names, bob
    their beaks, become "Protestants" and presto, - they DISAPPEAR from the
    eyes of the Gentile world as Jews, - although their fellow Hebrews know the
    secret and never forget it.

    An entire book could be produced with a list of the well-known "Americans"
    who are really Jews who have changed their names. But just to give the
    reader some slight idea of how he is bilked and swindled by these
    name-changers every day of his life, - here are just a few of the
    name-changers which shocked me, at least:


    Mel Allen Baseball Announcer Israel
    Harold Arlen Composer Arluck
    Jean Pierre Aumont Solomons
    Lauren Bacall Betty Bernstein
    Benny Baker Benjamin Zifkin
    Theda Bara Goodman
    Binnie Barnes Gitel
    Jack Benny Benny Kubelsky
    Milton Berle Berlinger
    Irving Berlin Isadore Baline
    Ben Bernie Benjamin Anzelovitz
    Victor Borge Borg Rosenbaum
    Ernest Borgnine Ermes Effron Borgnine
    Bobbie Breen Borsack
    Fannie Brice Borach
    J. Edward Bromberg Bromberger
    Pearl s. Buck Writer Sydenstricker
    George Burns Nathan Birnbaum
    Eddie Cantor Izzie Iskowitz
    Sue Carol Evelyn Lederer
    Jeff Chandler Ira Grossel
    Charlie Chaplin Israel Thonstein
    Ina Claire Fagan
    June Clayworth Cantor
    Jackie Coogan Cohn
    Aron Copland Kaplan
    Ricardo Cortez Jacob Krantz
    Tony Curtis Bernard Schwartz
    Howard DaSilva Silverblatt
    Marlene Dielrich Felsinger
    Kirk Douglas Isadore Demsky
    Melvyn Douglas Hesselberg
    Charles Dubin TV Director Dubronofsky
    Vernon Duke Vladimir Dukelsky
    Patricia Ellis Leftwich
    Clifton Fadiman Columnist Isadore Fadiman
    Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Ullman
    William S. Gailmore Radio Margolis
    John Garfield Julius Garfinkle
    Judy Garland Gumm
    Paulette Goddard Levy
    Samuel Goldwyn Goldfish
    Dorothy Gordon-Russian-Born N.Y. Times Youth Forum Moderator - Lerner
    Barry Gray Radio BenjamIn
    Harry Green Music Henry Blitzer
    June Havoc (Also Gypsy Rose Lee and April Kent) Hovick
    Melissa Hayden Ballet Mildred Herman
    Judy Holliday Judith Tuvim
    Harry Houdini Ehrich Weiss
    Al Jolson Asa Yoelson
    Sybil Jason Jacobs
    Danny Kaye David Kaminsky
    Bert Lahr Larrheim
    Hedy Lamarr Keisler
    "Little Joe Cartright" Langdon Orowitz
    Piper Laurie Rosetta Jacobs
    Marc Lawrence Goldsmith
    Steve Lawrence Sidney Leibowitz
    Madeline Lee Letterman
    Will Lee William Lubovsky
    Mrs. Jules Lederer, alias "Ann Landers" Columnist Esther Friedman
    Miss Ray Lev Pianist Elihu
    Sinclair Lewis Writer Levy
    Ted Lewis Theo. L. Friedman
    Arthur Lief Conductor Moiseyev Dance Company Abraham Lipshutz
    Roberta Linn Dubin
    Mary Livingston Wife of Jack Benny Sayde Marks
    Emil Ludwig Cohn
    Eugene Lyons Writer MorrisGobeloff
    Kenneth MacKenna Mielziner
    Noel Madison Moscovitch
    Marjorie Main Marie Tomlinson Krebs
    Paul Mann Actor's Workshop Yisrol Paul Mann Libmann
    Karl Malden Malden Sekulovich
    Hal March Mendelsohn
    Mitzi McCall Steiner
    Ethel Merman Zimmerman
    Paula Morgan Miriam Spiegelman
    Buddy Morrow Music Muni Zudecoff
    Paul Muni Muni Weisfreund
    Jan Murray Murray Janofsky
    William Paley Former CBS Head Palinsky
    Joseph Papp TV Stage Manager Papirofsky
    Dorothy Parker Rothschild
    Parkyakarkus Harry Einstein
    Jan Peerce Pincus Perlmuth
    Roberta Peters Opera Singer Peterman
    Mrs. Morton Phillips, alias "Abigail Van Buren Columnist Pauline Friedman
    John Randolph Mortimer Lippman
    Erich Maria Remarque Kramer
    Elmer Rice Reizenstein
    Edward C, Robinson Emanual Goldenberg
    Richard Rogers Abrams
    Billy Rose WilliamSamuel Rosenberg
    Artie Shaw Strauss
    Sylvia Sidney Sophie Koskow
    Sid Silvers Silverstein
    Elaine Stewart Steinberg
    Elliott Sullivan Eli Solomon
    Lee Stevens Adam Weinert
    Mike Todd Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen
    George Tvne Martin Yarus
    Sophie Tucker Ahuza Kalish
    Walter Wanger Feuchtwanger
    Mike Wallace TV Personality-Russian Jew Myron Wallik
    Nathanial West Author Nathan Weinstein
    Walter Winchell Columnist Isadore Lipschitz
    Shelley Winters Hollywood Schrift
    Ed Wynn Israel Edwin Leopold
    Keenan Wynn Frank Leopold


    Jerzy Borejsza Government Publisher, Poland, 1954 (D) Goldberg
    Michael M. Borodin Founded Communism China (D) Jacob Grueenherg
    Bounskov Foundamentzky
    Harry Bridges President ILWU (E) A. B. Renton
    Ralph Bowman Head C.P. spy Ring, U.S.,'4243 (FF) Heinz Zimmerman
    Calvin Brook Red Slovak News Editor (FF) Brueck Kalman
    Arthur F. Burns Economist Burnstein
    Admiral Canaris (Noted W.W. II-spy) (M) Moses Meyerbeer
    Frank Carlson Top Cal. Communist (S) Solomon Szkolnick
    Hattie Carnegie N.Y. Exclusive Dressmaker (EE) Fanny Kanengeiser
    Sam Carr Canadian Red Spy (N) Schmil Kogen
    Lord Cherwell British Atomic Chief (Now Fired) (K) F. A. Lindemand
    Morris Childs Secretary C.P., Illinois (FF) Chilofky
    I. Chisienevechi succeeded Ana Pauker (D) Broitman
    Paul Corbin 1964 Democratic Aide to National Committee Paul Kobrinsky
    Margaret Cowl Top U.S. Red (FF) Undjus
    Jacob Arbenz Gunman Revolutionary in Latin America Finzi
    Dann Gourevitch
    Clarence Dillon Financial Diplomat (P) Lapowski
    Raymond Arthur Davies Canadian Spy 1954 (D) Rudolph Shohan
    Samuel Adams Darcy Secretary C..P., Pa. (FF) Saul Dardeck
    Ben Dobbs Top Cal. Communist (S) Isgur
    Efremov Political Commissar Army 1919 IF) Chaimovitch
    Moritz Erdelyi Member of Bela Kun's Cabinet (2) Eisenstein
    Edward A. Filene Wealthy Boston Marxist (ll) Katzmann
    Arnold Forster ADL (Q) Fastenberg
    Ernest Otto Fox Top Cal. Communist (S) Fuchs
    Ludvik Frejka Czech Economist 1952 (Purged) (L) Freund
    Mrs. Anna Fujiwaka C.P. Leader in Japan 1932 (D) Eisenherg
    Peter Gabor Hungarian MVD Head 1953 (purged) IL) Beno Auspitz
    Gen. B. K. Galen (Blucher) Red China (L) Chesin
    Ganetzky Lenin's Envoy, Stockholm (A) Yakov Furstenberg
    Betty Gannett - Member of U..S. Politburo (FF) Rifka Yaroshefsky
    Michael Cardin Winner Stalin Film Prize t954 (D) Gindin
    Garin* Gerfeldt
    John Gates Ex-Daily Worker Editor (FF) Israel Regenstreit
    Mark Gayn Amerasia Case (D) Julius Ginsberg
    Mikhail Milsky Dep. Chief Red Armylntell., U.S. 1944 (FF) Milshtein
    Boris Morros Red Spy (X) Mores
    David A. Morse Director in I.L.O. (K) Moscovitch
    Naout Ginsburg
    Steve Nelson One of Original Communists Joseph Fleischinger
    Herbert Nichol Red Field Organizer, UEW (FF) Silver
    David K, Niles Spy in FDR's Administration (Y) Neyhus
    Ortodoks* Commissar of Press Akselrode
    Oserski Soviet Embassy, London, 1935 (G) Fridmann
    Constantine Oumansky Red Ambassador to Mexico
    (destroyed many Catholics down there) (Z) Ullman
    Ouritzky Radomilsky
    Helphand Parvus Arranged Lenin's Trip USSR 1917 (I) Israel Lazarevitch
    Ana Pauker Roumanian Red Dictator; Deposed (K) A. Rabinsohn
    Dr. William Perl Atomic Spy Case (A.A) Utterperl
    J. Peters Red Spy in U.S. (CC) Sandor Goldberger
    Petrov Envoy, Brest Litovsk (F) Walzbrot
    Philip Executed Tsar's Family (G) Golschekin
    Piatnitzky* Levin
    George Powers Secretary C.P., Pittsburgh (FE') Morris Poberski
    Karl Radek Early Soviet Agent (F) Sobelssohn
    Matyas Rakosi Hungarian Red Dictator, Deposed (K) Rosenkranz
    Razumow Secretary C.P., East Siberia 1935 (NH) Sagovitch
    Lord Reading Viceroy of India (K) Rufus lssacs
    Bedrich Reicin Czech Head MVD, 1952 (Purged) (L) Friedrich Reismann
    Josef Revai Editor Hungarian "Szabad Nep" (D) Rabinovitch
    Roani Minister of Justice Under Bela Kim (z) Rosenstengel
    Riszanov* Goldenbach
    J.B.S. Hardman Amalgamated Clothing Workers (FF) Jacob Salutsky
    Sidney Hillman Red Labor Leader IT) Schmoul Gilman
    Morris Hillquit Socialist Leader (U) Misca Hilkowicz
    Arthur Liner Red Spy, Germany, 1954 ID) Richard Stahlmann
    Izgoev* GoIdman
    Charles Douglas Jackson White House Staff (K) Jacobson
    Harry Jackson C.P. Organizer, Washington (FF) Henry Gliksohn
    V.J. Jerome Cultural Commissar, C.P., USA (FF) Jerome Isaac Romain
    Kambov Director of Press Katz
    Kamenev Trotsky's Brother-in-Law IF) Lev Borisovitch Rosenfeld
    Kamensky Hoffman
    Friederich Karakas Commissar Bela Kun's Red Brigade (HH) Kohn
    Karski Red Ambassador to Lithuania, 1931-36 (G) Bekmann
    Bruno Keller Czech Politburo, (954 (D) Koehler
    M. G. Kenig French Red Editor, 1934 ID) Jacob Gremb
    Alexander Kerensky Head of Pre-Soviet Govt., 1917 (D) Aron Kirbiz
    Jean Baptiste Kleber Chief Soc. Mil. lntelligence, U.S. 1930 (CC) Moishe
    Peter and Helen Kroger Top Soviet Spys Morris and Lorna Cohen
    Bela Kun Hungarian Red Dictator, 1919 (I) Cohen
    Lapinsky* Levenson
    Larin* Lourie
    Anatoli I. Lavrentiev Soviet Spy Chief, 1954 ID) Lippman
    William Lawrence Former Manager Daily Worker IC) Israel Lazar
    Elizabeth Lawson Editor Southern Worker 1FF) Elsa Block
    I.ebedieva* Simson
    Michael J. Lee Ephriam Zinoyi Liberman
    Freda Linton Canadian Red Spy IN) Fritzie Lipchitz
    Trebitsch-Lincoln Red Spy IC) Ignatz Trebitsch
    Jay Lovestone Trotskyite Communist (FF) Jacob Liebstein
    Al Richmond Editor People's World (S) Abraham Richman
    Roberts MVD Agent on Trotsky Murder (FF) Gregory Rabinovitz
    Alex Rose Exec. Sec. American Labor Party (FF) Olesh Royz
    Fred Rose Canadian Red Spy (N) Rosenberg
    Nat Ross Secretary C.P., Minn. (FF) Rosenbaum
    Carl Ross Sec. C.P.'s Young Communist League, Minn. (FF) Rosenbloom
    Rumyanzew Sec. C.P., West Russia, 1935 IHH) Rubintchik
    Ryazanoff Founder, Dir, of Marx Inst. USSR (II) David B. Goldenbach
    Moshe Sharett Moshe Shertok
    Andre Simon Czech C.P. Editor, 1952 (Purged) IL) Otto Katz
    Richard Sasuly Red in US. Army Intelligence (0) Alex Furth
    Ad Schoonenberg Dutch Editor of C.P Organ "TRUTH"(D) Belmonte
    Moi-Sha (Mah Kun) Chiang Kai-Shek's Fin, Adv. (K) Morris A. Cohen
    John Sanford Red Hollywood Writer 1FF) Julius Shapiro
    Rudolph Slansky Czech Premier 1932 (Purged) (L) Salzmann
    Jack Sobel U.S. Red Spy ICC) Sobolevicius
    Solntzev* Bleichman
    Soukanov* Ghimmer
    Jack Stachel One of Original Communists Jacob Stachel
    Steklov Petrograd Press Chief Nachamkess
    John Steuben Red Editor, "March of Labor" (FE') Isaac Rijock
    I. F. Stone Red Editor (V) Isadore Feinstein
    Gerard Swope Was Head of General Electric (JJ) Gershon Schwabe
    Emmerich Szallay Sec. Home Affairs Under Bela Kun IHH) Hollander
    Tchernomorsky* Tchermordik
    Tchernov* Soviet Minister of Agriculture Feldman
    Leon Trotsky Founder of C.P. (I) Leiba Davidovitch Bronstein
    Prof. Eugene S. Varga Top Soviet Writer 1954 (D) Weisefield
    Vargo Gov. of Capital Under Bela Kun (Z) Weichzelbaum
    Zoltan Vas Director Komlo Mines, Hungary 1954 (D) Weinberger
    Jean Villon C.P. Deputy, France After WW II (K) Ginsberger
    Vladimirov* Feldman
    Vobrov* Natansson
    Volodarsky* Kohen
    Voltchlcov Soviet Embassy-, London, 1935 (G) Berkmann
    William Weiner Finance Secretary, C.P. (CC) Welwel Warszower
    Harry Dexter White US. Red Spy (DB) Weiss
    Carl Winter U.S. Communist (D) Philip Weissberg
    Stephen S. Wise Communist Rabbi A.J. Congress (BB) Weisz
    Nathan Witt Communist Lawyer (R) Witkowsky
    Henry Yagoda Head of OGPU (Purged 1938 IC) Herschel
    Yemelyan Yaroslawsky Head of Anti-God Assn. USSR (Z) Goublemann
    Yurenev Soviet Ambassador to Japan, 1935 (G) Goffman
    T. A. Yurkin Red Minister State Farms 1954 (D) Weinberg
    Yurovsky Executed Tsar's Family (G) Alfred Rosenberg
    Zagorsky* Krachmann
    Col. Roman Zambrowski Polish Politburo 1954 (D) Nussbaum
    Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) Politburo (Purged) (J) Ovsegerstion A.
    Zverditch* Fonstein

    But even with all this disguise, name-changing slipperiness, the Jew
    knows that he is always facing the terrible danger that the host people
    will SEE him, feel his vampire teeth in their blood-vessels, sucking their
    blood, and get rid of him or slaughter him, - as have hundreds of people
    all throughout history.

    So, realizing this, the Jew is the most hysterical defender of his
    group security in the history of the world.

    Attack a Jew, and the whole tribe rises in hysterical counter-attack!
    If ONE Jew is exposed, the people may go on to discover the whole tribe.

    And because of this terrible feeling of constant insecurity, because
    of the Jews' ever-present knowledge that the host may find out the truth
    about him at any moment and rip him loose from his comfortable, warm bowel,
    the Jew has developed a fantastic program designed to paralyze his host so
    thoroughly, in advance, that awakening will be impossible.

    His genius at this is astounding

    The most deadly enemy of the Jew is order and national health.

    Tapeworms don't get started and can't survive in a healthy person who
    has physical examinations and lives a clean life.

    And Jews can't prosper in a healthy, well organized, ordered society.
    In such a society, the leaders will quickly observe the mass of
    non-working, non-producing Jews sucking away at the national bloodstream
    and once again, there go the tape worms down the sewer This has happened to
    them too many times for too many centuries for any Jew to have to be told.
    It is an unconscious instinct in them.

    And so you will forever find the Jew as the ferment of decomposition in
    every society he infests. In a monarchy, he is a Republican. In a Republic,
    he is a Democrat. In a democracy, he is for "social democracy". In a Social
    Democracy he is a Communist. Among Communists, he joins Progressive Labor.

    Thus the Jew is always over on the left - for less and less authority and
    order in the society - although he disguises it by claiming he is for more
    and more "freedom for the people".

    The Jew is the world's champion "liberal", not for love of liberty and
    freedom, but because he knows that a healthy body politic will quickly rid
    itself of tapeworms. Liberalism is no longer the belief in liberty that the
    word once meant. In the hands of the Jew, liberalism has become pure and
    simple "TAPE-WORMISM", - the organization of the parasitic, unproductive
    and generally inferior to enslave the productive and superior by sheer
    weight of numbers. That's why every modern "liberal" program always
    requires so many billions and billions of tax dollars. Money is the "blood"
    of a society, and the blood is sucked out of the wealthy and the workers to
    maintain an ever-growing horde of welfare parasites, subsidized failures
    and outright bums. If you will examine almost any "liberal" program today,
    you will find that it boils down to this sucking of the blood of the
    productive to nourish the lazy, the useless, the worthless and the rotten.

    The Jew doesn't DARE allow any reform program directed at ANY parasites,
    because it would be too easy for the reform to spread, for the reformists
    to begin to see the champ parasite of all time, the Jew, - and get rid of
    him as has happened so many times.

    Invariably, of course, the scum knows the source of what keeps it alive,
    which makes the scum into very effective VOTING BLOCKS for the Jews, who
    see that they are well taken care of.

    What the Jew is after is the destruction of the power of government to
    govern and maintain order. And taking money and power from our productive
    people and turning that money and power over to swarming scum in the
    streets is guaranteed to destroy all order and government, sooner or later.
    For thousands of years, the sly Jew did this politically - by political
    action, behind the scenes, as the "advisor" to kings.

    But now the Jew has discovered a faster way to smash public order.

    Basically, it is what we started out with in examining what has happened to
    our people and our country.

    The most parasitic of all ways of living is crime.

    Where the ordinary parasite finds painless ways of sucking the blood out of
    his host, the criminal parasite - the bandit - takes it by naked force and
    violence, careless of the pain of the victim.

    The old shipwreck gangs were criminal parasites. They just went out and
    took, by the most brutal force and murder, what they wanted, without
    working. The victims always perished.

    Impatient Jews, tired of waiting for the gaining of all the wealth in the
    world by the usual Jewish Zionist methods of "capitalist" speculation,
    swindling, manipulations and political chicanery rather than work and
    production, discovered a short-cut to seizing the total wealth and power in
    whole nations.

    The Jew, Marx, invented "Communism." By telling his starry-eyed, liberal
    Gentile victims that he was going to create a "worker's paradise" here
    where they could have all kinds of wealth and ease with minimum work by
    soaking the wealthy, the Jew could enlist vast masses of horny-handed but
    short-sighted Gentiles into his army with which to overwhelm the relatively
    few producers and owners of wealth. He made criminal ship-wreckers out of
    as many "workers" as he could, promising them the loot off the ships they

    And there you have the answer we sought at the beginning of the book: the
    answer to WHO is smashing up America (and the White Race which built it)
    and WHY.

    The Jews promote the general disintegrating of culture and order for
    self-protection, to prevent the discovery by too many of their victims that
    they are sucking the life blood out of our productive economy, without
    themselves producing. The more disorder, the more the Jewish parasites can
    feast undisturbed. And at the same time, a bolder gang of Jews are
    operating and promoting the Communist movement to seize all our wealth and
    services by naked force and violence in a Red "revolution" - the old
    "shipwreck" scheme.

    Ideology, ideas, economics, religion, sociology and all the rest have
    nothing to do with what is going on.

    The battle is not between liberal and conservative, or even between
    Communist and anti-Communist.

    We are being victimized by a gang of rapacious Jews out for loot, pure and

    It is "us" against "them."

    Either they will use every trick in the book to dispossess us of what our
    people have produced, either as sneaky tape worms or as violent red
    ship-wreckers; or we will expose them for what they are anti purge the
    Zionist tapeworms and communist ship-wreckers out.

    The reason Adolf Hitler is so viciously hated and cursed today by Jews (and
    brainwashed Gentiles) is simply that he was the first in modern times to
    figure all this out and organize his people to purge the Jewish tape worm,
    and smash the Jewish ship-wreckers. He actually DID it, in Germany.

    To save themselves, the Jews were forced to a World War in which they got
    millions of suckers like me to save them from the end, had Hitler survived.
    Tapewormism and shipwrecking couldn't survive exposure.

    They keep shouting that Hitler brought prosperity and happiness to Germany
    only because of "war production." But this, as usual, is another big Jewish
    lie. Hitler tore the Jewish tapeworms loose from the German bloodstream and
    the people found out how wonderful life could be without the terrible
    burden of a mass of Yiddish tape worms strangling production, culture and
    the national spirit. Simultaneously, Hitler exposed and smashed the
    Marxist-Jew ship-wreckers of international Bolshevism.

    As Hitler proved in Germany, the worst of the seemingly insoluble problems
    of our mad times, the degeneracy, the disorder, the Communism, the
    political, moral, educational, social, religious and national decay, the
    racial mixing and the spiritual syphilis spreading throughout our
    civilization will disappear once we have identified and eliminated the
    source of most of these things - the Jewish tape worms and ship-wreckers in
    our midst. The mere fact that Jewish "Mr. Big" has now been "fingered" in
    this book will insure that it will be hidden as much as possible. And, if
    not possible to hide it, then it will be suppressed by framed-up
    "prosecutions" of the author. As more and more people get wise to what the
    Jews are doing, the Jewish "defense" groups are trying to get "group-libel"
    laws passed to make it a crime to criticize Jewish crime and blood-sucking.

    But it's already too late. The tapeworm's victims are finally realizing the
    truth. And the Jews, as we have said, cannot survive simple exposure.

    So, in the next chapters, we'll expose their methods of Operations.
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