sword of wisdom

  1. 3gb
    963 Posts.
    ddzx mentioned he posted a thread on this but I am unable to find it.

    The word wisdom is derived from sword. Sounds right a sword has power, in a fight or battle a sword could mean the difference between life and death as does wisdom some times in situations in life.

    In a earlier post on carrying weapons I suspect I was misunderstood. Some times carrying a weapon can provoke violence. At other times people with evil intent will leave some one alone who is carrying a weapon. It is not weapons which are dangerous (in general) but the people who wield them.

    "Fear the Lord least the prosperity of fools destroy you and the turning of the simple slay you".

    I see the turning of the simple as someone slow and simple swinging a sword and you are confident you can avoid it but you dont (metaphorically} Or what you had judged as safe, harmless has become deadly. The message of Solomon seems to me to be that God gave wisdom to those that followed moral laws and avoided sin. The only practical way I can see that happening is if these behaviours damaged the brain and or some type of effect on a collective consciousness.

    A sword quite often features in art depicting justice possibly it represents wisdom as much as retribution.
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