sydney mourning heckler, page-7

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Marketinfo claims Sydney and Melbourne
    are "Glorified Refugee Camps'. To add
    insult to injury, Mraketinfo claims that
    "Hybrid Vigour is a racist comment
    as it implies superiority to the two
    genetic groups that it has
    sourced its material from."

    The facts are: Merino sheep ARE superior to
    the African, Spanish and English sheep that
    John and Elizabeth Macarthur mated to get
    Hybrid Vigour to withstand harsh Aussie
    conditions and produce wool that sold
    at a premium to three genetic sources.

    Britannia ruled the waves and conquered
    an Empire due to the inter-breeding of
    Saxon, Norman (French), Germanic
    and other invading or conquered
    breeds that gave Hybrid Vigour
    to the British Empire until
    Singapore fell in WW2
    when a new Hybrid nation emerged:
    America that still rules the waves
    but has China catching up fast.

    I worked in the CSIRO for two years.
    Hybrid crops, sheep and cattle ARE
    superor to monocultural breeds.

    Sadly for racists, white people
    are not a superior breed of cat.
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