deter the suicide bombers

  1. 1,342 Posts.
    These madman of the world you just can`t beat because they are willing to pay the ultimate price,but are the rest of their families???????????

    If i was to go on a rampage for one reason or the other,maybe it would deter me if i knew it was going to affect the rest of my family`s lives.And i don`t mean emotionally effect their lives.

    In most cases i would presume someone in the family would know of the actions undertaken by these nuts,so unless they agreed with this persons actions,they should notify the right authorities so they can get dealt with before any act of terrorism is carried out.

    Sounds harsh,but how else can one try to stop what is basically unstoppable as it stands today.If the nut has no second thoughts about taken some strangers life,then maybe,just maybe there could be someone in their family they do care for and reconsider there actions.

    If some nut walked on a bus or in a movie cinema or restaurant with a bomb strapped to themselves,you would have no chance of survival.Atleast if they walked in with a gun,they might get a few before being over powered but not as many as the suicide nut would get.

    Make the families of the world know if they have a nut in their family that is willing to become a suicide bomber,then get them admitted to a nut house or call the appropriate people to take care of the problem before it becomes a bigger one for them.

    Bring it on now all you humanitarians,show your digust in what i have writen.

    A eye for a eye,i say.
    But there isn`t any eye left of the nut that has blown up a 1000 people and themselves,but there should be.
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