lol. Well done. There’s no paywall and my comment about Anne...

  1. 20,814 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    lol. Well done. There’s no paywall and my comment about Anne frank was accurate. Maybe you just can’t quite bear the idea that not all of us crawled out of some godforsaken hole. Maybe you just don’t have the sleuthing skills you thought you had. Maybe you are just an angry man

    I’m sorry to have disturbed your universe.

    you seem to have an obsession about lying - I thought in some religions lying was regarded as ok if it met needs. In my world lying is morally corrupt.

    As to clueless. I shall add your description to the different versions of me that come from my absolute favourite hotcopper posters. Like smarten up, dumb it down, no sense of humour, clown, arrogant, stupid, now clueless. There have probably been more. They are all equally charming and simply confirm my belief that some people have very little self control. Surely you aren’t among those

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