syria.. isis defeated, but US forces to stay

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    Pentagon Says It's Staying In Syria, Even Though ISIS Appears ...

    NPR-17 Nov. 2017
    U.S. troops and civilian aid workers are in the Syrian city, helping local ... Despite the defeat of ISIS, Defense Secretary James Mattis told ...
    'US has no legitimate cards left to play in Syria'

    so on what basis has the US the right to remain in syria?? - indeed they never had the right to be there in the first instance.

    US Defense Secretary James Mattis said America will not withdraw from Syria, even after the total defeat of ISIS. The announcement came ahead of UN-backed peace talks on the future of the war-torn country.

    “You know, the UN said that … basically, we can go after ISIS. And we're there to take them out. But that doesn't mean we just walk away and let ISIS 2.0 pop back around,” the US defense secretary said on Monday.

    ISIS 2.0 lol lol - it was the americans that obviously gave the green light for ISIS to evacuate from raqqa - as per a recent bbc report. the bbc report mentioned planes covering the convoy leaving raqqa - a convoy about 6,5cm long.

    obviously the americans are in syria, because the good people from syria are ruled by a tyrant, and the syrian people really need democracy

    strange though , but the gulf states and saudi arabia do not need democracy
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