AJX 4.00% 1.2¢ alexium international group limited

TA discussion, page-4760

  1. 91,230 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    hi susiq -- look at the chart -------- it can't be a high - because we are near a low area - so, a high atm is impossible -

    unless the SP runs to about 75 to 80 cents tomorrow - a tad unlikely

    so - IF it hits - it 'should' be a low --------

    now, if that's true - it certainly could herald a climb up to a new high - but, that is for the future -------- atm - we are only talking about the area of a couple of days around Saturday 22nd April.

    we shall see - this cycle has a good track record - but, the best of them aren't anywhere near 100% - this one is probably 60 to 80% ----------- so, still a fair chance of bugger all happening -

    If it happens and I make a move - I will probably overbuy and try and pay for some of the position change by selling a few off in the following weeks or so ------- one step at at time though.

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