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A World BEYOND BITCOIN As this shocking new report shows, the...

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    As this shocking new report shows, the rise of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has actually been a red herring.

    It’s diverted attention from the REAL story…

    …the breakout of BLOCKCHAIN into almost every conceivable industry.

    As a Fortune article put it, the Blockchain Collision, which is only just occurring right now, ‘holds the potential for unleashing countless new applications and as yet unrealized capabilities that have the potential to transform many things.

    As another forecaster, Don Tapscott says, ‘the implications are staggering’.

    So, too, are the potential gains that could be on offer.

    If you pick the right stocks that are leading the revolution

    Put aside bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. They’re yesterday’s fads, with the best gains already banked.
    We’re actually days away from the most insane tech advancement in 58 years. And it’s already making stealthy early adopters up to $642,245 for every $10,000 invested.
    Mark the following date and underline it five times…

    Not since 1959 have you seen a ‘collision of techs’ this big. Like the Big Bang, these rare collision events create a new universe. And in the ensuing flux, unbelievable wealth…
    Initial ‘Blockchain Collision’ gains in August, September and October 2017 alone have mushroomed 394% in one month91% in 8 days102% in 5 days
    …and digest this…
    One ASX-listed Blockchain Collision stock just recorded 62% in SEVEN HOURS.
    And you’ve never seen smart money mobilise this fast…

    On 30 September, Bloomberg discovered mysterious tech investment conglomerate Water Street Capital just shifted ONE QUARTER of its $2.5 billion portfolio into Blockchain Collision stocks and options…

    On 28 September Crunchbase.com revealed some secretive VCs just invested $600 million in early stage funding, but that ‘we’re just beginning here…’

    On 28 September IEE Spectrum detected ‘astronomical investments’ being made, and that ‘the last few months have seen eye-popping acceleration.’

    On 22 September Investor.com reported tech titans Amazon.com, IBM, Facebook and Alphabet are now ‘diving deep’ into the coming Blockchain Collision…

    Settle in and pay close attention, reader.
    Because I’m about to show how YOU can dive deep into the Blockchain Collision, too.
    But if you want to siphon the ‘Tsunami of cash’ (in the words of Scientific American writer Morgan E. Peck) there’s no time to mull it over.
    You need to make the simple moves I suggest below NOW.
    The Great Blockchain Collision becomes official on
    1 November, 2017.
    After that, there will be no putting this genie back into the bottle

    Dear Reader,

    The last Great Tech Collision occurred in 1959.

    24 March 1959, to be exact.

    A Tuesday.

    It was the day of the Institute of Radio Engineers' annual trade show in the New York Coliseum.

    Texas Instruments, one of America’s biggest electronics firms, introduced a remarkable new device.

    It had just been patented before the big public launch.

    US patent #3,138,743.

    A seven-digit number that would alter everything.

    US patent #3,138,743 would rock the world on its axis as profoundly as any invention since the printing press.

    Patent #3,138,743 was the solid integrated circuit.

    Or, as it was later called, the microchip.

    Almost overnight it was a technology that, in its inventor’s words, ‘reduced the cost of electronic functions by a million-to-one.

    Without this moment, you and I would exist in a whole other dimension.

    You wouldn’t be reading this on a computer or mobile device right now.

    Your alarm clock, your washing machine, your TV, your car (provided it’s less than 20 years’ old)…

    …None of it would exist without US patent #3,138,743.

    Without it, the most mundane conveniences of modern life would still be the stuff of an Isaac Asimov novel.

    At the time though, no one cared about US patent #3,138,743.

    The big 1959 story in the New York Times about that year’s trade show was about a driverless car created by Westinghouse!

    The next most popular game-changer of 1959?

    ‘Missile mail’; which entailed shooting letters from the ocean to the US coast via cruise missile.

    Meanwhile, the REAL future got two miserly paragraphs at the end of another story.

    Remember: This was a time when Silicon Valley was still called the Santa Clara Valley. A sleepy place with a few orchards and nothing much else…


    A Great Collision is when two huge trends intersect.

    A point in time where they become inextricably linked.

    These rare moments create exponential growth in both trends.

    As well as entirely new possibilities no one had even imagined.

    In the 1950s, computers were already a big deal. The technology had actually been in development for five decades.

    IBM was the leader.

    In 1937, IBM's tabulating equipment helped organisations to process unprecedented amounts of data.

    Its clients included the US Government, in its first effort to keep employment records for 26 million people.

    Computers were making big strides in taking great amounts of data and making calculations. Far faster and more accurate than any human could.

    But the trajectory to where we are now?

    A world COMPLETELY RULED by mass electronics?

    Well, that was very far from a done deal.

    Here’s what the President of IBM, Thomas Watson, had to say in 1943:

    ‘I think there is a world market
    for maybe five computers.’

    After all, when IBM's Thomas Watson said ‘computer’, he meant ‘vacuum-tube-powered adding machine that's as big as a house.’

    It's fair to say that few people ever wanted one of those, regardless of the size of their desk.

    But we had the computing megatrend.

    We knew it was useful.

    But didn’t imagine how useful.

    Elsewhere, a newer trend was developing.

    The trend in transistors.

    In 1947 at Bell Laboratories, the first transistor was demonstrated.

    The first transistor demonstrated
    Source: Wired Magazine

    Unlike vacuum tubes, the transistor was smaller and didn’t need time to warm up.

    And they consumed much less power.

    However, it didn’t take long before the limits were reached.

    Circuits based on individual transistors became too large and too difficult to assemble.

    There were simply too many components to deal with.

    To make the circuits even faster, you needed to pack the transistors closer and closer together.

    If only that could be done…


    The Great Collision of 1959 came with the invention of the microchip.

    A single chip consisting of the equivalent of many transistors.

    Every two years the power and speed of these chips doubled. A feature noted in 1965 by Gordon Moore — Moore’s Law.

    The first microchip
    Source: The Atlantic

    Moore estimated this effect would taper out by 1975 as you couldn’t fit any more information on the chips.

    In fact, it kept on going at this rate till around 2012.

    An example of truly exponential growth (we’ll come back to that crucial term later…).

    The great collision of microchips and computers created the consumer electronics boom.

    A boom that’s now the foundation of your everyday life.

    At the time this boom gave birth to some absolute, long-lasting behemoths.

    And, if you were an early mover on them, you could have made dynasty-creating, almost hallucinatory wealth.

    The first Great Tech Collision produced gains that almost sound made up…

    IBM 9,456,410%
    General Electric —
    Nine-and-a-half MILLION percent gains?

    I can’t possibly be promising a repeat of that with a straight face, surely?

    Well, just hear me out a little longer.

    Because you know what?


    Yes, I AM promising at least the potential for those astronomical heights with the three unknown listed investments we’re going to get to a little later.

    And that kind of potential doesn’t come knocking often.

    But we are heading for a second ‘Great Collision’.

    As a recent Fortune article put it, the Blockchain Collision, which is only just occurring right now, ‘holds the potential for unleashing countless new applications and as yet unrealized capabilities that have the potential to transform many things.

    As another forecaster, Don Tapscott, put it to McKinsey.com:

    The implications are staggering, not just for the financial-services industry but also right across virtually every aspect of society.’

    In just a second, I’m going to show you why we’re on the cusp of a Second Great Tech Collision…

    I’m going to show you why it’s going to send the valuation levels of a clutch of unknown stocks soaring

    In fact, these stock performances could match…or even OUTPACE…the very best technology stocks born in the 1960s and 1970s

    I’m talking multiples of 50, 100 or even 200 times earnings here.

    I mean it. The potential gains on the table here only eventuate in the stock market maybe twice in a century.

    And even then, they only go to the small few who are able to see further ahead than everyone else.

    I’m not only going to demonstrate why this is the case

    I’m going to showcase three stocks, currently dwelling in obscurity, which I believe are the most likely on the planet right now to experience these kinds of gains.

    I call these Blockchain Collision Stocks.

    You almost certainly won’t have heard of them.

    But trust me: You should make room for them in your portfolio RIGHT NOW, while they are still anonymous.

    Because they won’t be for much longer

    Let me explain by getting to the core of the matter…


    And why is it going to fully kick off just days from now, on 1 November, 2017?

    OK. I’ll make a point of not getting too technical here. But I’m making a massive claim — that we’re literally days away from a great leap forward that could gift you COLOSSAL gains in the months and years ahead.

    That claim requires a concrete-solid explanation. And considerable proof. So here we go…

    You’ve probably heard the term ‘big data’.

    The era of big data has been going on for a while now.

    It’s basically the ability to both collect and process data from a wide variety of sources.

    And it’s exploded with the use of tablets, smart phones, smart cars and smart everything else’s.

    At the same time, the ability to store and process this data has improved with cloud based-infrastructure.

    The market for cloud computing has grown from $7 billion to $160 billion in the last decade.

    But here’s the problem…

    Big data remains in the control of big business.

    Amazon, Xerox, Google, Facebook and more are greedily gobbling it up.

    Aggregating it.

    Slicing and dicing it.

    Interpreting it.

    Advertising with it.

    Trading it.


    If this remains the status quo, it’s only going to get worse.

    As Fortune magazine puts it:

    As billions more sensors and other devices come online in the emergent Internet of Things to monitor not only people’s personal location and health information but also the status of the buses and trains they ride, the cars they drive, and the household appliances they use, the stakes get a lot higher

    If every single second of your day is turned to data…

    …is it fair, safe and democratic for that data get suctioned up by big business?

    Without you even having a say?

    Most would answer with a resounding NO.

    The problem is, that’s what’s happening.

    But this problem is about to be solved.

    The solving of this problem is about to fundamentally change the world like the microchip did…in ways you almost certainly can’t imagine.

    It’s ALREADY sending a certain type of stock rocketing.

    These are the problem solvers.

    I call them Blockchain Collision Stocks, for reasons that will become much clearer shortly.

    They are the innovators primed to catapult us into an entirely new era.

    And, in anticipation of an event that’s going to occur on 1 November, 2017, the smart money is flooding into these companies right now…as you read this

    The following gains have all occurred in the last two months…

    Blockchain and AI tech specialist Seven Stars:

    Source: Nasdaq.com
    91% in 8 days
    Advertising data specialist Social Reality:

    Source: Nasdaq.com
    102% in 5 days
    Cloud-based AI specialist Veritone Inc:

    Source: Nasdaq.com
    390% in one month
    Aussie blockchain delivery upstart Yojee:

    Source: Nasdaq.com
    155% in 3 weeks
    What on earth is going on here?

    What you’re witnessing, right now, this month, is the launch-point of a new tech boom that should last well into next decade.

    We are at the very initial stages.

    But the time to act is right now, while even the biggest players in the tech realm are still trying to get their heads around it.

    Database software giant Oracle only just made its move on the Blockchain Collision a week ago (at the time of writing) in October 2017.

    Its new blockchain service will only come online ‘some time in 2018.’

    IBM is moving too.

    It’s received more patents than any other company in the last 24 years.

    It was the world leader in cloud computing. Then artificial intelligence.

    Now, what does IBM have up its sleeve to stay on top for a 25th year?

    You guessed it.

    It’s moving hard into what I call the Blockchain Collision.

    Greatness isn’t having a technology,’ said IBM CEO Ginni Rometty explaining the move. ‘But the knowhow to do something with it.

    The tiny stocks you just saw that are making unbelievable gains are the small companies who possess this know how.

    Shortly, I’m going to introduce you to what I’m convinced will be the three biggest Blockchain Collision small cap movers in 2018.

    First, you need to be clear on what this ‘collision event’ actually is.

    1959 ALL OVER AGAIN…
    Just like 1959, this new boom is being triggered by the collision of two technical innovations.

    The first is big data.

    The second…

    …as I’m sure you will have already guessed…

    …is something called blockchain.

    Blockchain began as a fledgling technology nine years ago.

    It was started by an anonymous hacker, the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto.

    He created a system where information (data) could be sent peer to peer.

    No middle man required.

    Sounds mundane. Kind of like the microchip did in 1959.

    But it was…and is…a revolution.

    Because of blockchain, the era of cryptocurrencies was born.

    And with it, the ability to decentralise data.

    Like transistors improved vacuum tubes before, blockchain has triggered a giant leap forward in how data is used.

    Satoshu Nakamoto outed by Newsweek
    Source: Newsweek
    But its true game-changing potential is only now
    at the end of 2017starting to properly take shape

    See, here’s what 99% of people have wrong about blockchain.

    They think the big innovation is new digital currencies.

    They’re so, so wrong…


    Sure, it’s fun to join in all the celebratory hype about a new kind of digital money.

    Wonderful to have a currency that is free from government meddling.

    And it’s nice to take a punt on cryptocurrencies and watch them go up.

    (Although some very smart investors right now are saying bitcoin has entered bubble territory…)

    The truth is, cryptocurrencies are just one part of a 100-piece puzzle.

    In a way, a distraction from the REAL investment prize.


    The REAL story is what’s about to happen with the technology that birthed cryptocurrencies in the first place: Blockchain.

    It will be the people who figure out what happens next with blockchain

    and who have the smarts to invest accordingly…

    who will become the next generation of tech mega-millionaires.

    I’d like to give you a shot at being one of them.

    Which is why I’ve put together this report for you now.

    Bitcoin and its imitators are great.

    But digital currency after all, is just one form of data.

    The true epiphany is this:

    Every bit of data produced, researched and created has value in this new world.

    But to make the most of this, there was one last crucial aspect to be solved.


    And this is at the heart of what I call the Blockchain Collision.

    As I’m about to show you, 1/11/17 is our next ‘Microchip Moment’.

    On that day, the collision of big data and blockchain will be complete.

    And like the 1959 moment, the share price gains in the next few years could be stupendous.

    I think they will surpass the 1960s gains, both in length and in size.

    Give me a few more minutes to explain. And then we’ll get to specific stocks.

    You may have heard of ethereum.

    It’s been hyped by the mainstream as ‘the next bitcoin’.

    But as I say, this massively misses the point.

    What ethereum actually specialises in is smart contracts.

    Smart contracts are just ways of transferring data along the blockchain from person to person, automatically.

    Just as the microchip automated computation…smart contracts automate the flow of data.

    To give an almost mundane example…

    Imagine buying a car from someone.

    You have to organise the transfer of money. Then send a form to the vehicle registration office and register the car in your name with a signed slip.

    It’s time consuming. And the money transfer process leaves you open to risk.

    A smart contract would allow the buyer and seller to transfer money and registration details. And, crucially, only make the transfer once both parties had completed their part of the deal.

    Blockchain makes this possible.

    Let’s make the example a bit less mundane…

    Imagine a future where the car only starts for the right driver once this transfer has taken place. All according to the stated rules using a biometric key stored on the blockchain.

    The blockchain is the piping of data, which will power our lives through a series of smart contracts.

    How is this world-changing, though?As Tapscott Group CEO Don Tapscott perfectly puts it (my emphasis added):

    The blockchain, the underlying technology, is the biggest innovation in computer science — the idea of a distributed database where trust is established through mass collaboration and clever code rather than through a powerful institution that does the authentication and the settlement

    Once again, the technology genie has been unleashed from its bottle. It gives us another kick at the can, another go, to try and rethink the economic power grid and the old order of things. That, to me, is how big this is. It feels like 1993.

    When I say we are at a PRECISE moment — and I mean right now, THIS MONTH — every bit as big as the birth of the microchip and the birth of the Internet…I’m not exaggerating!


    Despite this crazy-low fee, all of this comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not 100% convinced this opportunity is everything I say it is, contact me within 30 days for a full and unequivocal refund of that $49.

    So let’s just do a quick recap of everything you’ll receive:


    Your special reports:

    • Three Currently Unknown Blockchain Collision Stocks with Long-Range Potential to Rise OVER 6,800%.
    • The Microcap IPO Kingmaker
    • The Next Riot Blockchain? (629% in one month if I’m right!)
    • The Ultimate Guide to Exponential Stock Investing

    • Monthly Issues of Exponential Stock Investor. Each month I’ll deliver the story behind the market's most compelling exponential stock opportunity. The majority will be locally listed. But if I find an unfolding story on a foreign exchange that’s too good to resist, I’ll cover that too. My monthly investigations will include all the information necessary for you to take action. Each issue is sent directly to your inbox when it’s ready every month.
    • Weekly ESI Portfolio Updates. Each week I’ll send you a full recap of where each position stands. And breaking news that affects them. These will also contain any relevant events in the broader stock market, the technical world, and the exponential investing space. These will typically arrive on a Thursday or Friday.
    • ESI One-Offs’. Sometimes my research will lead me him to new exponential opportunity that won’t always fit in the monthly issue. When this happens, we’ll publish special members-only reports that will be sent straight to your inbox.
    To become a Founding Member today, simply click on the link below and fill out the form.

    That’s it from me.

    Thanks for giving me a fair whack of your time today (even if you’ve skim-read to here!).

    Time is valuable, so I appreciate it.

    Hopefully you’re as jazzed as I am about everything you’ve read here.

    You may be familiar with the mantra of Astro Teller — the director of the Google X laboratories responsible for Google Glass and the Google Driverless Car.

    His core guiding principle is if you aren’t providing a solution to a problem that’s at least 10X better than the current one, it’s not worth his attention.

    Same goes with each stock we will be showcasing in Exponential Stock Investor.

    If it’s not presenting a solution that’s at least 10X better than its nearest competitors, I refuse to recommend it.


    We’re looking for hockey stock growth with each and every play.

    ‘Next Microsoft’ and ‘Next Facebook’ have become investment clichés.

    But in most cases, that’s what we’ll be aiming for.

    The key is the identification of a crucial exponential factor in a company’s business model.

    Apple made a name for itself as a personal computer manufacturer. But it was actually the launch of its mobile devices — like the iPod in October 2001 and the iPhone in June 2007 — that created TRUE exponential growth.

    Early movers have seen a nearly 10,000% gain since 2001.

    Netflix began by mailing DVDs to members across America for a fixed monthly subscription fee. Its exponential phase started January 2007 with the launch of its only streaming service. The collision of this with the emergence of broadband was the real kicker. The stock’s up more than 2,000% since January 2007.

    These are the kind of moonshots we’ll be chasing.

    And I’m not embarrassed to say that.

    Because we are at a new stage in tech investment we’re the next generation of these stocks are going to be born.

    In fact, they are being born! Right now!


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