tab commission rates

  1. 1,976 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Just as an exercise, walk into any TAB in any Australian State and see if you can find their take commissions displayed anywhere? I tried to ask the operator in both NSW and ACT TAB's but they simply didn't know and both referred me to head office.

    It seems to vary state to state but 14.5 to 17.5% seems to be the win/place range with other exotic bets slightly higher.

    I notice metropolitan bookmakers generally work around 107-109% after the markets settle down, and quite often better, but the TABs are still choking the mug punters with their high take-out rates. No wonder corporate bookies can cope with 5% premiums and heaps of freebies matching best TAB prices.

    Hong Kong Tab was in peril a few years ago and they slashed their rate from 20% in half to 10% and are booming again. I don't think Oz Tabs will survive in the years ahead with smater, more discerning and value-conscious punters appearing in the next generation.

    There must be a problem if they can't be transparent and tell you what the take out rate is. Betfair, Sportsbet, Sportingbet, Centrebet, IASBet et al must be making a killing working off more realistic margins to the high-stake punters who have deserted the TABs in droves.

    The Gambling Industry is heading for a major reformation.

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