Taiwan....our military dilemma, page-10

  1. 22,061 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    We are simply reflecting the US RW attitude towards China
    which has been since 1921 to demolish Communism in general
    and now the CCP at present. The US was successful in demolishing the USSR
    but like its other demolishing jobs in Vietnam,Iaq &Afghanistan , it was not successful
    in developing proper democatic/market based economies there and, of course,
    we now see the result; the Ukraine War.

    The US cant hold its act together, IMO, without a war and that has been evident since WW2.

    Even if a war with China avoided the Nuke options (IMO any direct war between China
    & the USA will inevitably use Nukes) and was fought on a proxy grounds like
    that of the Ukraine, Taiwan would end up totally demolished and if the USA
    is true to form as per Vietnam, Iraq & Afghanistan, it would remain an economic &
    political shambles for decades. Personally I would not wish that on the Taiwanese people
    as I have not wished the demolition of the Ukraine on the Ukrainians.

    IMO, the Ukraine would have been better off by not applying for membership of NATO
    and even allow Donetsk & Luhansk to separate The Ukraine could then have joined the EC and like
    its former Warsaw Pact countries and current EC members, lead by example so that within
    a decade both breakaway states would want to rejoin the Ukraine for economic reasons.

    Those two ex-pat Russian populated provinces were always going to be a problem
    to forcefully keep within the Ukraine by stick......IMO, the economic carrot is the right
    strategy and for the Ukraine, (like Northern Ireland) economic traction takes time.

    its fine and dandy for us to sit here in front of a poverty pack communication system
    (the internet) and be brave with others' lives but consider for a moment:
    if you lost half your family to war and another half scattered around the world as
    refugees, how would you be....eh? Would you be hankering to turn back time and
    make compromises for the sake of your loved ones?
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