Take a Paws, page-13968

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    @big e - I watched one such program, where a wealthy man over in the U.S.A. decided to become poor for a number of months, picked a poor city and a poor suburb and tried to create a business. He had a small starting capital. I watched it but got tired, because there were such obvious flaws - and the most obvious flaw was that that particular city had lost one of its important industries (maybe to China? - I do not remember now)
    hence capitalism had done its thing; and ordinary people no longer had the capacity to move on - and one single enterpreneur wouldn't have made any difference. I remember getting angry just watching this expose - which I then classified as 'titillation for the sake of TV'

    big e - I have been poor, to the extent where after we paid our rent we barely had enough money left over to eat - and I managed to find all sorts of wonderful foods in a supermarket in Sydney, I still fondly remember. Some of the foods were things Australians - then - didn't eat; chicken livers were really cheap, I still remember fondly emptying shelves of cod livers in tins, which were utterly delicious - now you can get them only in specialty stores!- I learnt to use oats in their natural state, I used lentils - bought molasses from a produce store (large container then was $5.-). stretched any meats I bought by adding lots of cheap vegetables, but most of all, it sharpened our thinking and focus and we got out of it, not owing anyone a penny afterwards.

    It was a tough learning curve, but we/I made it; children all had a good education, all with higher education; 2 with degrees - one even gained a little fame in England with her musical skills, both in playing, performing and composing. And we still had a lot of fun with our children, it wasn't a sad household; only moments of stress and sadness, mostly experienced by the two adults.

    I have realised our 3 kids cost us at least 1 million $ to raise - but I/we never asked them to pay rent or contribute financially, but they always did little jobs, even cleaning bricks when hubby bought 2nd-hand bricks for yet another extension, always had to help with the dishes, keeping their rooms clean, if it wasn't clean, I didn't clean it. And we managed to remain proud and self confident. But we were also adaptable, I do not remember ever saying: 'I can't do this' to an employer - same with my husband - and we could 'do it'.

    I don't have a great feeling of pity for down-and-outs, but always have something for people who beg out in the streets, I only contribut to one animal charity and the money probably goes into some rich man's/woman's pockets anyway . . . .
    I have actually gotten to know someone fairly well, who had founded a 'charity' - they are still going, but they got very rich themselves - I say no more - our laws have enough loopholes to support a lot of crooks : for example: look into the background of Macquarie Bank, which seemed to hit the headlines recently, but the person responsible resigned 4 years ago and has another great job, thanks to one of his buddies - this new guy is probably the 'fall guy'


    and then you wonder why there isn't enough money around to support the poorer sections of the community.

    We, as a society, should have enough clout and social conscience to support a government which at least stops the profiteering on housing, because housing is the most basic requirement for humans 'to have a house, a home' to feel safe in and to grow and prosper in.
    Social housing should not be built in paria suburbs, but should be inter-sprinkled into good neighbourhoods

    I could go on and on - but also know, I should act. As it is, I spread a little kindness, when I can - I can also be grouchy and angry at our politicians, but it's the same story in many other countries - so maybe we should all be a little more 'democratic' and put ourselves out and put our shoulders to the wheel from time to time.
    Go well

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