Take a Paws, page-27928

  1. 19,090 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 205
    @big e I just checked out 'Sally Hanson etcetera' - I am impressed, seems only one coat required.
    * which reminded me of my first 'break-through' in the English language, when I returned to Austria from England and had my first job as an English
    'correspondent' but my first task was translating a manual for their English brand forklifts and one evening I stumbled across the word 'cote' - and thought about it at home, at night and woke up in the morning realising that it was probably a commercial name for 'paint coat' (as the chapter was describing the trucks etc, and dealing with the paint brand used) - I felt really proud of this little bit of insight/wisdom gained all by myself at age 19 .

    I buy the odd bit of nail polish, especially in summer for my toes when wearing sandals . . . - usually just use it once or twice, then get annoyed at how quickly my nails grow - and forget about it - chances are there are a few bottles of dried up nail polish in my bathroom cabinet right now.

    . . . . and it really is 'midnight blue' !!! I remember @NoBoDe talking about painting his toe- or fingernails . . . I never used to believe him.
    Is this the 'savage' coming through?

    Good luck with those metal screws - so far I have not been 'wired' -

    I had ultrasound of bladder done today and also went for blood test - all over and done with at 9:30 - had to drive 20 minutes for the ultrasound, but was first - then just queued for 10 minutes at my surgery and had the blood test done. Will see my doctor about results end of next week, but I do feel healthy again, just unfit. Did a fair bit of garden cleaning jobs this week and was very tired this morning, but to bed early tonight . . .
    checked on HC a bit, checked my shares - what is happening with LTR? but gave me a chance to buy in again . . .

    Well, Big e, YOU are organised!!
    I shall look north early Tuesday morning and wave you off!!!

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